OMG!!!!... that totally made my day :'D

Feb 15, 2011 10:13

 ok.. I know I'm sick and maybe annoyed you with all my love to "Alice in wonderland" but I reallyyyyyy...can't get enough!
and guess what?

NEW TRAILER RELEASED!!!! yahhooo (so excited)

here take a look:

image Click to view

in case it didn't work, here the youtube link:

isn't it cool? *,,* she is so adorable. although I must admit that in the old game she looked more psycho and make me shivered (I played at night.. I remember this 2000 year when the game released and I spend 2 days almost without eating and sleeping to finish the game).

here some links, in case you like her and wait to the game too ;) :
the web:

and some old wallpapers:
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