Title: Unhinged [Rain]
outoriRating: NC-17/R
Pairing: Ruki x Uruha [to be honest, I give a damn about the position of either side of the x. As to seme/uke, read and you’ll find out ^^]
Genre: Smut
Warnings: Smut. Not beta-read. Switching in POVs. Smut.
Disclaimer: Not owning anyone in the story, only the story, as usual.
Synopsis: After a night out with Uruha, and noticing his phone died, Ruki gets into a phone-booth to call a cab. Just somehow, he never gets as far as to pick up the receiver.
Author’s notes: As there was no smut in my last upps, I bring you smut no~w. Hehe. [Why does that feel as if I was Santa? ... ho ho? XD] Phone-booth sex, ladies (and gents). I had fun. A lot of fun. And ohhh I'm never gonna look at phone booths the same way again... heheheheh~~~ I hope you'll have as much fun as I had while writing <3 Enjoy~ [about 4000 words]
The vitreous walls around them were fogged, milky, making it impossible to make out what was going on on either side of the glass. )