Jul 25, 2007 11:39
Random thoughts.
- Lucky Star = infinite X3
- Going back to work = teh suck
- I didn't get any drawing done during my break. ;-;
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was a good book IMO. ^^
- I find it highly amusing that the woman who plays Natsuki in Kanon 2006 (Mariko Kouda) is the same woman who played Miki in Marmalade Boy (they're characters are virtually opposites).
- However the fact that Ginta's seiyuu (Jun'ichi Kanemaru) is also the Japanese voice of Sonic the Hedgehog, is not surprising in the slightest. XD
- There are times where Chiwa Saito has like, the sexiest voice ever. It's crazy that she plays Natsumi (13 years old) in Keroro Gunsou. Though I never would have guessed she was Jennifer in Disgaea! o.o That's like, crazy different. XD
- Cats are always cute. Always.
- "I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hari-Kari rock. I need scissors! 61!"
- Wii Sports is still crazy fun. ^^
- I wonder if I should erase my save from Disgaea and start over from the beginning?
- I need to finish editing 2 more chapters, and then I can start the 2nd draft of my book (yatta!)
- Been a while since I've gotten laid. I should remedy this at some point. *nod*
- It's really a slow day at work today. Except when it's suddently not! >> <<
- Supercalifraglisticexpialidocious!
- Prinnies explode when thrown. Please for not to throw them. Except when it's funny that is. X3
- I has a Kuribo's Shoe! X3
- BLEACH is getting boring again. Stupid fillers. >> <<
- It amazes me that a certain magazine thought that when it made a Top 10 list of best Mario games, that it thought Super Smash Bros. was a good addition to the list. Smash Bros. is not a Mario game. It has Mario in it, but it also has characters from like, every Nintendo game ever.
- People are stupid.
- Calculators are the most amazing inventions ever.
- Nippon Ichi!
- Back to work, back to work.