Apr 06, 2014 23:38
So, I talked a little about the ice storm. What I didn't say was that after the storm, I couldn't turn on my computer. I thought at first that it was just the power supply had gotten fried. No such luck.
The motherboard was fried. At the very least. Or so says the computer repair place that I took my poor dead computer to. But that's not necessarily that bad of a thing, I had been contemplating getting a new comp anyway. This way, I could claim it on my insurance as a casualty of the ice storm!
So I asked for a quote for a new computer from the guys at the computer store, and even though it wasn't a new comp, they gave me an $800 estimate for a replacement... and a total lack of enthusiasm for the job. They did not want to build me a custom machine. Instead, they gave me that price for a standard Dell, 4 GB RAM, 550 GB of memory.
I went to OfficeMax instead. $800 got me a new computer, also from Dell, with 8 GB of RAM & 1 TB of memory. Plus MS Office. Of course, I did have to install Office myself (a pain in the ass) and I'm stuck with Win8 (SUUUUCKS) but I'm hoping that I can get my stuff pulled off my old comp - and my backup comp that used to be Mom's - and have it shifted over to this one. And I'm not going to have that small local business that didn't want to do a custom job for me do it - Office Max offers that service, they were nice and helpful, they get my business.
Still... I haven't gotten reimbursed for this, I just put it on the card. Hopefully, the insurance company will pay up for it. Which means getting it all scanned in and sent to them. They've been great about stuff so far, with any luck they'll continue to be.