7:00 am - Get up. I couldn't get to sleep last night, wound up getting less than 3 hours sleep total, not enough even for me.
8:00 am - Staff party for our retiring branch manager. She's been with us for over 20 years, so there was a big fuss made over it. Lots of food (potluck, of course) and lots of gifts.
10:00 am - Party is over. I disassemble the decorations for the party and set up for the author talk at 4 pm.
10:45ish am - I finish setting up for the author. Book Club Leader comes by to pick up the key for the library so that she can open up the place for book club tonight.
1:20 pm - lunch break. I bring some leftovers home and munch on those, then try to catch a nap
2:20 pm - return to work
2:30 pm - author is there. Talk with him for a while.
4:00 pm - No one shows, dammit. And Boss decided to come, so no question whether she's aware of it. At least she likes the guy - the fact he's given us free copies of his book helps, I'm sure.
4:30 pm - Boss leaves for the official retirement ceremony at Branch. I get to work deconstructing the author talk setup, putting together the book club setup.
5:15 pm - Leave Main and head for Branch. Retirement ceremony at Branch begins - they know I'm going to be late, so that isn't a problem.
5:45 pm - Arrive at Branch. Don't bother counting the number of people there beyond "lots" - Manager is popular, and many of the people here are either related to her or have little or no memory of anyone else being in charge of the Branch Library.
6:30 pm - Retirement party ends, I start packing up to return to Main
7:00ish pm - Leave for Main
7:30ish pm - Get to book club.
9:00 pm - Head for home.
9:10 pm - Start packing up to take out the garbage - new litter in all 4 litter boxes, empty trash cans, etc...
I am so fucking tired now it isn't even funny.