What's up with Chibi...?

Apr 17, 2010 23:52

So...I just felt I should post something here on my poor, neglected LiveJournal account. (Maybe because I saw phoenix_melody and kilerkki mentioning something about their f-lists being slow and I'm certainly a contributor there. My gosh, it's been practically a year, hasn't it?)

So, um, yeah. .....Post!

Okay, I'll try and run through what's going on in my life under some cuts, so I can be friendly to all of your f-lists. And I'll try to be at least a little interesting about it, so I can be friendly to your intelligence.

I've unofficially proclaimed myself to be in an Animation program. By this I mean I'm actually working towards the degree, but have yet to go into any office and put myself in the program. ...I should do that. But I'll likely have to transfer if I do that. Haven't decided where yet, but I've signed up for one more semester at my community college.

Life Drawing class is Teh Awesome, but I've developed this unfortunate habit of staring at people now for periods of time that are likely unacceptable in proper society. I swear I'm only thinking about what it'd be like to draw them (no, not naked), but that doesn't excuse me, just makes me creepier. It doesn't help that most recently I've developed a fascination for drawing bone and muscle structure...without the skin.

I've currently entered one of my Life Drawing pieces into the Student Art Exhibit at the school. There are cash awards given to each category, but honestly, I didn't enter it for that. I just...I dunno, wanted to enter a piece and see what people might think of it. The media was sumi ink, which can be difficult to use, but I've discovered I really rather like it. I wonder if people will appreciate the piece more if they knew that.

Uh...really not much to say here. I work at Juju Berri, which is a self-serve frozen yogurt shop. I love eating this stuff. Seriously. I eat mostly the nonfat yogurt, but I'm pretty sure at the quantities I consume it, I'm rendering that little perk null and void.

This summer I plan to find another part time job to fill in the hours normally occupied by school, but since I won't be taking classes over the next few months, another job to help me earn and save would be fantastic. In all honesty though, it's time for me to find an entirely new job. *siiiiiiiiigh* I hate job hunting.

Home and Family
I live with my parents right now while going back to school. My youngest brother has also been living back here for roughly half a year. I love having him around. He and I have always shared the most common interests, so we can almost always find something that will entertain us both. Plus we have similar snark levels, so if it's not actually entertaining us, we can help make up for that.

He's been exercising a lot more lately and been dragging me into it, which has been a good thing. I've rekindled my enjoyment of hiking and talk and post pictures of our hiking ventures often on my facebook. You can find all that here. Plus he nags me on nutrition which is really good for me, as now and then I'll actually listen and devour something good for me (frozen yogurt is good for me...)--or just not devour something bad for me. He's a great brother.

My brother and sister-in-law are pregnant!! I'm MAJORLY excited for this because this will be my very first time being an aunt. It's going to be a girl, and I can already tell I'll want to spoil this child. I've got to become cool FAST. That way, when I'm training her to recognize me as the cool aunt, when she becomes old enough to judge that for herself, I really will BE the cool aunt. And before all of you tell me I am cool, I'm talking about world-knows-it-too-cool here. Meaning I should probably publish something, written and/or drawn. Currently, I really want to make a children's book.

To help me, I now have a drafting table! It is large, and white, and comes with a handy-dandy light and chair! I have to replace the laminating on it, but it looks so official all set up in my room that I actually cleaned for the first time in months to make room for it! I get pumped looking at it. I need to fix it so that I can actually employ that pumped feeling into action and result. Ah, my little art corner~! Yay!! X3

Can't think of much to say other than that. I did finish the latest Dresden File book last week though, so if anyone wants to rant about that, I can totally keep up. If you want to see most of my reactions though, best place would be my Twitter account.

Yeah, that's right, I have a facebook AND a Twitter account. I even have a MySpace account, but I left it for dead, deciding to get out with what dignity I could salvage.

family, school, i'm aliiive, life, art, update, work

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