The Bad Chibi strikes again.

May 15, 2007 04:23

Remember when I posted on my LJ the rather mean review I left on I got a reply.

You have received a reply from the author, crystalshirazu22, regarding the
review you posted for:

Title: Ellipsis
Chapter: 1
Story URL:
Author URL:

Excuse me...I'm fifteen going on sixteen this year.

I have my own ideas in writing fanfics. Though I don't own the characters as I
mentioned in the disclaimer I have the right to express my own thoughts towards

For me this fanfic is like my real life situation if I would be allowed to
broaden it. (Take away the suicidal and violence thing)

And originally this was a TakiXKakashi fanfic but seeing Kurenai is an almost
mirror image of Taki this is an alternate version of the original.

If you don't appreciate weepy women then face reality please. Kurenai in the
series also has her own weepy moments.

Plus you have no right to stop me from writing this pairing. They may not be
like themselves but don't be narrowminded.

...Is it bad that the first thing I said after reading this was, "Hahahaha, YES." With quite the wicked glee, too.

I have to admit, for a while I was almost impressed that they'd done the mature thing and completely ignored my flame. I was almost coming to believe perhaps they didn't really deserve it when I got this. ...Of course, then I go and prove myself to be a complete hypocrite by replying BACK...

Dear crystalshizaru22,

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make it sound like I was DEMANDING that you stop writing this pairing. I was REQUESTING. You're right, I have no right to stop you from carrying on and sharing your pretty deluded grasp on the characters (as much as I wish I did). I apologize for not being more clear that I was BEGGING you to stop. (Although I did say "please" when perhaps I should have used, "for the love of all that is holy, have mercy", so I can see where the misunderstanding came from. My mistake.)

As for "facing reality", there's quite a large difference between a "weepy moment" and a "weepy woman". Crying in the manga made her more human; crying in your fanfic made her practically unbearable, because she did it ALL THE TIME. LOUDLY. AND MOST OBNOXIOUSLY. But I digress. (Mostly because I can't find the "bold" and "italics" options on this e-mail and am thus resorting to criticize in all-caps. Another thing I apologize for.)

To be honest, I should still be the one asking forgiveness. Your fanfic just caught me in a bad mood that night. I was hoping to find a good story...and didn't. Normally I don't bother flaming, but I'd just gotten fed up with so many people writing the Naruto characters poorly that I struck out at the next person who did the same. I'm sorry it happened to be you after I'd passed up so many other bad Naruto fanfiction writers like you before who earned it just as much. An unfortunate consequence of my foul mood, although considering I'm still being quite flippant, perhaps I've become a grump in general to bad fanfiction.

Don't worry, you won't receive another bad review from me on any of your possible future fanfiction as I've learned my lesson and won't be reading them, proving that you really do need to learn some things the hard way.


...I feel this shouldn't have brightened up my day as much as it did. >> I'd better ban myself from for a good long time, just to make sure I don't make flaming a new hobby. (As much fun as it is to unleash my sarcasm and honest opinion on someone. But really Gochan, on a 15-year old? That's probably just sad.)

EDIT: Because I still need to get the last bit of rantage out of my system...


1. "I noticed it took you six days to respond to my review. You didn't do that to wait on a birthday to pass, just so you could cheat with your age, did you?"

2. "If I were you, I wouldn't gone for the guilt strategy and hit me with, 'Yes I AM fourteen/younger-than-fourteen! Thanks for making my first attempt a horrible, life-scarring experience!' Seriously. I would have felt bad. Or at least...worse."

3. "The disclaimer? Oh my gosh, you're right! I totally didn't read that! And here I thought I wasn't an idiot who already knew the characters weren't yours! Wow, thanks for enlightening me by pointing that useless fact out."

4. "...THIS fanfic is like your real life? Honey, get help. Really. I'm not being sarcastic anymore, I'm genuinely worried. Are you suffering from abuse, as was indicated in the story? Thinking about suicide? PLEASE get help if that's the case. There are hotlines and the police for this kind of thing.

Oh. Wait. 'Take away the suicidal and violence thing'? You mean you're just exposing well-loved characters to your 15-year old emo dramas? ...Honey, get help. There are pills for this kind of thing."

5. "You mean this was originally going to be a Mary-Sue fanfic but you changed your mind? Wow. That is...your ONLY redeeming quality. An admirable one, nonetheless. If I said your story couldn't get any worse, I take that back now. If I DIDN'T say your story couldn't get any worse...well, it was meant in spirit before, so maybe it the gesture still applies."

6. "If this is your idea of a 'mirror image', I think you should be preparing yourself for seven years of bad luck..."

7. "I didn't realize trying to appreciate the characters for how they were ACTUALLY written was being narrowminded. Golly, you're just full of this self-righteous wisdom, aren't you. Thanks!"
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