i hate numbers

Sep 27, 2006 10:58

fack, do i ever need a nap. Had to finish my stats assignement last night. Didn't have much left to do, just had to make a time graph, and that was about it. I went out last night after work though, and dind't get home till really late when suddleny i realized that the freaking stats people only like it when one side of the paper is used :| How frustrating is that? I mean, i kinda needed to recopy my work anyways, but i thought i could just leave it. sigh :P So thats all done, but i still got like little sleep. I'm SO fricking tired. I'm seriously debating just handing in my assignement, going to stats, then coming back home. We'll see. Or maybe i could fine a nice couch somewhere to pass out for a bit? We shall see how things pan out.

Gah, woke up this morning, and i don;t know what the hell i did, but the left side of my jaw hurts so freaking much. I can't open it past a certain point. THougt maybe it was like a stubron piece of food or something, so i flossed this monrning...but nothing. Fack. Must of slept on it funny.

The Birthday's coming up soon...and i really havent had time to go out and look for things i need. Gonna have to make a list and hopefully the rents or whoever can pick something good out :P Wee, ok, short one today kids. I gotta get me to class.
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