Sep 04, 2006 20:07
well....another september long is in the books just about. Can't really say im dissapointedhowever, i really didn't go anywhere big like i usually do. There could of been a few oppertunities...but once again due to lack of planing / lack of interest i was stuck. But then again...kinda glad that i didnt goto regina to see the Bombers get shalacked like htye did... (FREAKIN BOMBERS :|)
but yeah...i'm at my sisters right now writing this. On my brother in laws new laptop i might add. It's an iBook, which isn't really my cup of tea, but after using it for a bit, it's not bad..but i think i would still prefer windows just about anyday :) hmm, they just walked in the door. Suppose i should visit and such :P More when i get home.