May 03, 2007 19:51
Laying on the meadows green
Eyes unfocused to endless blue
Drifting away from this scene
My mind wonders to thoughts of you
Emerald glade with orange glow
Colors blend as azure fades
A sighing wind does gently blow
Coming into view is the Twilight Parade
A physical presence causes me to wake
As your hand finds mine to hold
Your lips match mine, a kiss you take
As we move closer to fend off the cold
Your fingertips dance on my spine
The gap between us has gone away
I ask "Will you be always mine?"
"Forever and always is how we will stay"
A kiss to a touch, a touch to much more
Two bodies are gone, as one we are bound
Heavens collide and our spirits soar
In the dusk of the glade, a true love is found