ehfkabfeafbsakbveo i haaaate my family >_

Mar 13, 2008 04:23

my papa's side of the family~
everyone on that side of the family tells me i'm adopted every time i see them ;____;
i'm NOT adopted i look more like my papa then i do my mom >__ my papa and i even have the same funky tooth denty thing ~_~
now the osckel (my papa's last name) family is making some kind of crazy official family book and they're not including me in it~ pisses me off DX
the head of the family (the family's part italian and everyone has a number it's totally like the godfather movie lol) e-mailed me asking for all the brothers information and current photo she also says they won't be needing any info about me since i won't be allowed in the book they're taking away my family numer (my number was 9)AND i'm out of my grandpa's will DDDX i'm not even gonna tell me sister the shit they were saying about her >_< (my papa did adopt her we have the same mama but different papa's)
whatever i haaaaaaate them~! it's not my fault my parent's fucked in a bar then split dumping me with relatives in the philippnes~!
i'm tired~ nighty night~!
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