Wednesday reading meme (19/365)

Jan 19, 2022 23:07

I've not yet achieved my cunning plan of backdating entries because I have been doing ALL the work...lots of site visits which by the time I've driven round the south circular, found a location, done the people thing, driven back around the south circular and made an attempt to write up notes leaves me wrecked. I did three site visits today and was so peopled out by the time I got in I stared into space for a good hour unable to process anything. *G*

Tomorrow - thank goodness - I've got a day working from home and so plan a visit to the tip, some voluntary work for the allotment soc, on top of catching up on the work inbox which now has around 80 unread emails plus another 60 or so requiring action. It will be a LONG day but at least I can break up work with trips out to get fresh air.

What I Just Finished Reading: Dresden Files #5 - Death Masks.

What I am Currently Reading: Nothing as I literally five seconds ago shut down Audible for Death Masks.

What I Plan to Read Next: Audible will be Dresden Files #6 - Blood Rites or maybe going back to The Witcher books if I want to read a paper book.

But for now - bed for I am tired and my knees hurt. :o( This entry was originally posted at

authors: jim butcher, me: reading, me: wednesday reading meme, me: work

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