Snowflake challenge 2022 #2 (3/365)

Jan 03, 2022 23:08

I was dithering about whether to try and do some entries for the SFC this year and then decided I may as well give it a shot so of course am now behind! Oh well - still time to catch up.

snowflake_challenge is all about goals setting. In your own space, set some goals for the coming year. They can be fannish or not, public or private. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

To be honest I dithered this year about setting any form of goal or aspiration because after the last two years? *hands* But I buckled down and set some over in another community. My fannish goals are pretty simple and my non-fannish goals can be summarised under three headings - health, wealth and happiness.

Fannish goals - simple ones really! Making sure to leave kudos/comments when I read something I like on A03/in journals, maybe trying to be a bit more actively engaged, possibly even carving some time out for writing again. Might be time to head back to the prompt comms to see what's out there and what prompts might speak to me. Oddly enough I'm finding most recent TV shows I've been enjoying give me what I need - I don't feel the urge to go away and write all those missing scenes and alternative views that were ever present in my 90s and noughties fandoms. Though The Old Guard may be the exception to that - I've been spinning loads of stories in my head since I saw it but not committed them to screen yet!

As for the non-fannish goals?

Wealth - most of these are about keeping an eye on my budget, savings and investments and sorting out my pensions. I don't fancy working until I'm 68 (just over 10 years away) so I really need to figure out what my financial position is. The ex's health issues over summer was a nudge to get this sorted too. A major goal for Q1 is find all my pension paperwork and set up a meeting with an IFA to review. Everything else mentioned above should more or less take care of itself because it's all automated. I just need not to go on any wild spending sprees - no more books or toiletries or yarn for me until I've read, used and created things. *G*

Health - I've been a couch potato for 2 years. I'm not ready to go back to the gym and the lovely PT has moved so I'm unlikely to be able to pick up PT sessions in the short term. I've dusted off a lot of the basics that I was doing when I first started working with my lovely PT - back to proper meal planning and cooking balanced meals, kicking my take away habit to the kerb, making sure I'm hydrated and not hungry, moving more (both walking and starting a 21 day beginners yoga course) and planning easing back into some simple free weights sessions at home. Still need to find my Fitbit and charge it up though! I'm also adding in some basic physio for my knees and left shoulder. Age sadly brings added creakiness and less flexiblity though I aspire to be like the 70 year old ladies who used the council gym - flexible, fit and healthy. Not gonna get there sitting on my couch for another year!

Happiness - learning, reactional and creative stuff - catching up on films to watch and books to read. I plan to start/complete 1 crafty project a month (I've picked up knitting again, I have a yarn stash and am teaching myself to crochet - blaming
gingerpig for the last one). Later in the year I want to dig out my jewellery making supplies from the attic. I'm also making an effort to schedule time on the allomtent and in the garden because they are my happy places. All of this means I need to limit screen time - Twitter and Insta can be massive time sucks and I've spend too much time doom scrolling over the last two years. I've signed up for Charles Dowding's No Dig course which is offered online and will help with the allotmenting.

So there you go - mostly personal and non-fannish goals but I do miss fandom - but outside this platform I'm not sure where to find what I used to enjoy about it any more.

This entry was originally posted at

sfc 2022: set some goals, snowflake challenge 2022

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