So much for Friday and Saturday!

Oct 24, 2021 03:39

I'd planned to get up early on Friday but since I didn't get to bed until 5am and didn't drift of to sleep much before 6:30am the getting up 'early' didn't happen.

Fortunately I did wake up around 11am just in time to see a text from the guy delivering 10m3 of play bark to the allotments to say he'd left the depot at 10am and should be with us just after 11am. YIKES! I sent back a quick reply and pretty much leapt into clothes and hustled out of the flat.

Fortunately he didn't arrive til 11:20am but which time I'd arrived, opened all the gates and sought out pal R. The lorry could just about squeeze through the relevant gate but - as expected - couldn't make the turn to get to the back of the community plot. So we had to dump a giant pile of play bark on a tarpaulin on the main path and then barrow it about 60 feet to where it needed to be. Both R and I suspected we'd end up having to do this but our lovely volunteers came through - in the end we had 5 people turn up straight away and another 5 drop in and out and we got things moved around on the plot and all the playbark moved in around 3 hours! We even had a proper system going with three people shovelling into barrows and 2-3 people wheeling stuff to the back of plot. PLus an extra one or 2 to help R move things around. It was a pretty slick operation. *G*

Truck arriving

Two of our volunteers shovelling bark into wheelbarrows

The plot almost finished - there's still a bit of levelling to do!

Our community plot is kind of an upside down L shape. The bit in the photo is the horizontal bit of the upside down L. The small shed we have on there is for storing stuff which won't get nicked. The giant white things are water tanks which will get connected to our water butt system at some point. The plan for this area is to use is (a) for an outdoor kitchen space and (b) kids play area when we're not cooking!

We've already got a water supply sorted (two taps) and we've got a few BBQs which you can just about see in the bottom of the pic. Next up will be building some suitably weather proof counters to enable us to cook out there properly. (We've got portable tables but we want something a bit more permanent).

I was standing on the porch of our big community shed (which is right next door to the space in the photo) and the plan is to use this bigger shed for some teaching and coaching sessions, maybe a small shop and have some tea and coffee facilities so we can do weekend drop ins.

We've also had the Kings Seed catalogues to order cut price seeds (as a member of the National Allotment Society we get good deals) so I'm pondering ordering a few things despite the fact that I have a giant seed stash.

Friday evening I'd planned to do much around the flat but exhaustion meant there was much napping and then bed. I also may have slept through a large chunk of today (Saturday) finally hauling myself out of bed after lunch.

On the plus side the ex is obviously feeling a tad less loopy on the good drugs because I got a very brief text on Friday to say he's starting to feel better - so that's something positive!

I have singularly failed to do anything at all productive today. Actually no scrap that - I cooked myself a healthy meal and there are leftovers for lunch/dinner tomorrow - so I did do something! And I did a bit of financial jiggery pokery which should make life a little easier which involved completing 6 separate tasks. So I DID do some small things. And I caught up on a bit of TV viewing.

My To Do List is scarily long at this point so I'm classing anything that can be ticked as DONE a real win!

Once again it's after 4am and I'm wide awake. I'm not sure whether I should just pull an all nighter and hope that I can stay awake long enough to do things tomorrow or head to bed, try and get a few hours sleep and then get up at a decent time (8ish?) to try and have a productive day.

I suspect a few hours sleep will win out. This entry was originally posted at

me: borked sleep patterns, me: allotment soc work, me: family - the ex, me: all the sleeping

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