Nov 06, 2003 03:45
I've intended this to be a friends only post, but no harm letting people who drop by my LJ know.
I'm tired. I'm tired of life. I'm tired of being taken around in circles, only to be brought back to square 1. I'm tired of speculations, of dreams that are never fufilled. I'm tired of disillusions, of people's senseless judging, people's evil nature. Tired of people wondering why I am not mugging away for my studies, why I choose a 'useless' major and people who think they are gift to mankind.
I am seriously tired. No, I am not going to kill myself, I am just tired. And I really do not know how long I can stand up to these nonsense, to these trash, to standing outside the door wondering if I should knock, wondering if I'm worth something in people's life.
I have said this a thousand times, but I am going to say it again.
Let me be me. I really want to live. Let me try the adventure of life. Even if I can die as a result.
Because what is death, but just a end product of everybody's life?