Rupert in Stephen Sondheim's Company at the Southwark Playhouse!
Company is a musical (!!!DOES THIS MEAN RUPERT CAN SING????) comedy based on modern relationships. Rupert is starring as Bobby in the first major revival of Sondheim's classic on the London Stage in 15 years. In turn hilarious and affecting, Company presents the lives of five married couples through the eyes of perpetual bachelor Bobby. Experiencing the many ups and downs of relationships vicariously through his friends, he explores the social ideals of love, marriage and partnership- but will he ever discover what he needs to find happiness?
More info on Company can be found
here on wikipedia.
2nd February 2011 - 12th March 2011
Early tickets are just £10 (for late bookers its £22.50). Seating is not allocated, as apparently "every seat is a good seat".
SO WHO'S GOING? Is anyone thinking about it?
purely_distel and I intend on going, especially since tickets are so cheap. We were thinking if anyone else was interested we could do a bit of a Rupert Fieldtrip?
So now I desperately want an anticipatory party GIF of Gene Kelly in Singin in the Rain with Rupert's head on.
gealach_rosSouthwark PlayhouseWikipedia