(no subject)

Jul 01, 2009 15:32

New news on our end:  Bob - nothing yet.  me: still taking stats and working on a bull auction data project.  Grandpa is in the hospital again - mucus plugs or something.  They are going to vacuum him out tomorrow.  The doctor said it was normal with the surgery he had.

We are planning on going to the fireworks on saturday - someone told us about some near here.

On Monday, my friend Nicole is driving down with the puppies.  She is staying the night, and leaving for Purdue in the morning (2 days of meetings there) and I get to keep the puppies.  Then on Friday, she is flying to NY to see her sister before her sister ships out (she is in the Navy). Nicole gets home on Monday night.  So, I get to keep the dogs for about 10 days - next Monday through the following Thursday or Friday when Bob and I are driving home for the annual rafting trip.  I am excited!

How is the firm sale going?  anything new on that front? 
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