May 06, 2007 22:48
High School Film Category
Thank you to all the participants of the high school film competition! The selection committee enjoyed watching all the projects and have selected the following for the film festival program.
Zaki Award
Amanda Main and Tess Varesky from New School for the Arts and Academics in Tempe,
for their short film, Ivanna Goda College
The duo wins a DV camera each
Holy freaking crap!!! I'll ignore the fact they spelled my last name wrong because holy crap!!!
So last semester Amanda and I did our film project on the horrors applying to college. We worked really hard on it and literally spent entire days trying to edit and create music (instead of using the lame school cd like everyone else) We were proud of it and recieved a great reaction from the class. So when we got a C from Miss Porter we were devestated. I almost quit the class because of it. Then this film festival comes up and everyone in the class is required to submit their film even if you didn't want to (which we didn't). I had completely forgotten about it until Amanda called me on friday and told me she had gotten a call from some woman saying we had won and they'd be screening it at the Sedona Film Festival.
Holy omg, I get a freaking video camera! And it's going to look awesome on Amanda's college applications (she's a junior). Tomorrow we're going to rub it in Miss. Porter's face. Especially because her favorite film from our class about some guy who relives his shitty day (did I mention it has no dialogue and was pretty lame?) didn't even get an honorable mention.
This is so amazing.
P.S. I'm home from the wedding in South Jersey. My mom caught the bouqet lol. We spent the weekend in Philly, it's and awesome city.