Jan 17, 2007 23:11
I went to the beach with my family today (sans gramma). I loved it. But. It was mortifying. I kept telling them that all the crap they brought was UNNECCESSARY. Can you imagine? Sauntering down ritzy little Lincoln Road with all those people dining and sipping their little martinis (before noon, though, wtf?) and staring at us like the hobos we LOOK LIKE.
Before we left, I told my stepmother to put on her swim suit under her clothes and that she was far too overdressed for the beach. I told my father to bring swim trunks. Sigh. This is what happened instead: They had a huge plastic bag full of crap (the entire contents of a refridgerator and a baby lifesupport system), a lunch bag, a camcorder bag (which my father did not use, by the way), a baby bag, and a tiny baby wheeler.
I had my bookbag and I could undress and put my clothes back on my wet bikini with a quickness. Phshhh.
My father didn't bring his swim trunks. I asked him why and he said, "Well, I thought we would see something." Oh my god. I said we were going to a BEACH, what the fuck did he think we were going to see? Jesus christ. I can't take them ANYWHERE. It's like they don't know how to live life. I kid you not, I think this must be the second time in their LIVES that they've been to a Florida beach. This is the first time anyone in my family has been to SOUTH BEACH. Or Miami Beach, whatever... they are one and the same to me. We were on Lincoln Road. THere were some topless good looking sunbathing girls next to us. I was all :-x Ewww, not with my family present! Then my little sister was too scared to even go NEAR the water and they only gave her ONE TRY!!! I'm like, taht's it? You're just going to give up? That's so upsetting. :'( I mean, we were there for two hours and the kid just sat in the shade and ate. My stepmother brought like, two loaves of bread in the bag, WHAT IS THAT?!?!!?
In the car, I kept telling my father to put sunblock on the baby and he said she was too young. Finally, my stepmother read the thing and said it was for babies 6 months and older or something. Sheesh. I couldn't even look at the lotion, I was too busy driving the car. Y eah, I had to DRIVE THERE.
And stepmother dearest? Goodness, she is hilarious. :)
She wore this garish swimpiece. It was ok, but the cut of the swimsuit was 1920's which was NOT flatterring on her. IT covered things, but it didn't work well with her slim and youthful bodytype. Anyway, oh, also, she doesn't shave her armpits... I dunno how she can put up with that, but it was cute. In the water, she started swiming frantically in place! It was hilarious! She was paddling frantically with her arms and didn't go anywhere! I loved it. :)
I picked out some seashells later and dumped it on the towel.
My stepmother was all very fascinated with them so I made her pick seashells with me, which she enjoyed. She's done it a few times, but maybe not very many.
Oh, well. Uhm.
Then I went to see Pan Lambrynth (sp?). It was a great movie! I cried! (As unnoticably as possible!) :)
Then I went to the Wallflower with my friend Ry to an Emerge meeting (for the Critical Mass bike ride). Yep. Now I'm home and I have to eat, try to jog, and try to see my friend before he leaves tomorrow.