Oct 22, 2006 18:41
What is it with brilliant people that makes them so goddamned mad? Not angry mad, crazy mad. What is it about that element of genius that makes them a little off? It's not a negative quality or anything, it's alluring, really, but still... the "off-ness," it's undescribable.
I had a great weekend with P today and last night and he had a lot of good things to tell me. One of them struck me as ironic, such as when he was talking about this girl he knew, how she should dress in an "urban camaflouge" manner. Why does he want to blend in with the masses? I do'nt understand it. Why is it so important to him? I guess it's because he must feel like the odd one out all the time. And then he said something about certain modern gadgets that are "social isolating devices" I think was how he put it? Another irony there, because he's so isolated himself.
What is it about bright people that makes them so absorbed, so caught up in another world that they don't even realize it? And then they become so isolated for a long period of time that when I try to get them to go out with me a socialize, they won't. Their resistance to becoming not isolated drives me fucking batshit. I mean, it's not even for my sake, concerning P, it's more that he's so involve with... lets say, political world events and then he doesn't even take the time to go out and see what real people and real life is like. Like, why bother?
I don't know.
Ha ha, I hope he doesn't read this and get upset with me, because that seems like the thing to do. But I am honestly worried about this isolation because it can't be healthy. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me like it's stagnating and not conducive to personal growth to keep to oneself in such a manner.
I go crazy when I'm isolated, so I guess that's why I don't understand.
And also, I know I'm self-absorbed myself, but hopefully not to the extent that I shut out the rest of the world. I love being social and I love my friends. My friends are what keeps me going so far. I live for human contact, for gods sake, thirst for it. Then again, I'm fucking neurotic, so maybe that's pretty unhealthy.
I'm just so fucked up that I don't even know when I'm coming or going.
I just wish things would get resolved without putting effort into it.
On the bright side... it was a weekend with the best sex ever.