Here's a series of my old photos. This one demonstrates the effect of a boned corset on my ever-expanding waistline. Fyi, I'm a UK 12/14, and I usually don't have a (discernable) waistline :)
Black puff-sleeved blouse from Esprit
Black pin-striped corset from Gallery Serpentine
Black vintage lace skirt from a thrift shop
Black $2 nail polish from China
I've always preferred boots to shoes. I wore these Demonia combat boots to my art show opening as a student (the lot of ceramic eggs on the table are mine). The boots are supercomfy; matt PVC with stretchy straps & panels across. Military dark blue dress from a thrift store in Newtown. Double-strap watch from DKNY.
Oversized ugly Korean sweater + geeky argyle socks + black nail polish + beaten mary-janes. Not glam, but fun lah. :D