Mar 28, 2006 21:24
I saw Inside Man today with Steve and Ian. Wow, wow, wow. Best film of the year so far. Always enjoy a good "heist" film. It's the kind of film that keeps you thinking and trying to solve it but throws twists that you don't see coming. That, and it had Denzel Washington who is plain awesome!
Went to the mall afterwards to eat and walk around. Steve and I went to borders and I got Empyrion by Stephen Lawhead. 900 page paperback, sounds good to me. Steve and I passed by President Tuxedo and that started a long conversation about how much we like suits. If I had the money I'd be wearing them all the time. Can't wait till I'm a lawyer cuz then it's sorta mandatory hehe. Jeez, I want one of the 20's style suits- hat, hankie, the whole shabang. Like the whole Al Capone gangster suit. :) Suits are cool.
Well, it's off to work tonight. Hope ya'all sleep well.