Feb 02, 2008 13:54
years pass and pass and pass, things only change in theory. Sure i cleaned up, met new people kept some old ones. I make art hang out eat sleep etc...
You are your best friend. Nobody is there no matter what.
Tonight was a pretty important night in my mind. Rad art show (2nd in the past 2 weeks) that i've been in. Only 4 or 5 friends showed up out of all these kids that say they love me so much. I'm the type of person that'd do anything for anyone. SCREW THAT. I'm starting to callous. I'm meant for big things, i know that. This gay scene is sooooooooooooo pointless...nobody is going anywhere but down. Its kinda horrible how everyone brings everyone else down with them. I just got over that, it'd just be nice if i had a few people that brought me UP with them. Looks like all "those" people leave this shithole of a quicksand city.
what do i do?!
it's hard to detach...it's hard to say goodbye to the things/ones that you truely love with all of your heart. I'm trying sooooooo hard. Faces, memories, scents, i need to get out of this room, i have to stop handing my heart out on a silver platter.
I really thought that she'd / they'd show up tonight. i KNOW that i'm better than this. i am.
dear livejournal,
in a year i know i'll look at this and be all, damn you're stupid for putting up with those idiots. Well at least i hope so.
-NoeLLe SkooL-