Jun 28, 2010 14:55
Supposed to pick Mark up on Friday night but ended up only able to make it in time to meet him on the train, stopped by at Simei to eat at Long John's and TALK!!! It was nice to just sit there in the cool night breeze with your favouritest person. I am an evil girlfriend, I was all for his idea to take a cab home so I can tompang and get dropped off hehehehehe money fly away. Not my money!!! Okay but then it's sort of mine also so ya I better watch his pocket too. Saturday was family day, like after foreverrrr and it was surprisingly good, and I spent like $60 at Fox -- that was not so good. Blew another $30 at the army market stocking up for my camp tomorrow wth I'm not even in the army but I feel like I'm gearing up for field camp zzz. I hate the speed at which my money depletes, can teach me how to slow it down/stop it completely? We had CJ steamboat to celebrate my dad's birthday in advance, oh yes it's today btw. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDYYYYYYY!!!!!!! I'm not impressed with CJ's steamboat at all I'd rather the one we always go to at LSS.
Neways so Sunday was church and then cell and then Marko&I had a quick lunch before we headed to town! Intended to watch Toy Story 3 but in the end we just went to Esplanade to drink tea and talk forever. I like!!! Happy kids we are. Then we went to top up his card and take 36 back to Angmiany's place to help decorate the function room for her & Angeline's party!!! Marko and I went swimminggg in between so that was funnn, swam like two laps and just did somersaults/handstands and dunking each other and fighting underwater and he just kept laughing at me 'cause of some stupid thing that I keep doing which is wrong. But I won't tell you it's a secret. Anyway after I did one of my fail-handstands he was like, "I think you should just stay on land. More graceful. Not much of a difference la actually but at least a little bit more graceful." WTH!!!!! Never mind, I pushed him into the pond after that hehehehehe should've seen his face the moment he fell in, totally funny please. Party was fun!!! Mark thinks my classmates are fun so hip hip hurray. He's crazy, army has made him a veggie addict he was like craving broccoli the whole time like seriously!?!?!? We were watching Nick dance then after awhile Mark whispered "I feel like eating broccoli can you go with me later to take" i was like X_X YOU ARE INSANE BUT OKAYYYYY. Happy birthday Angmian and Angeline thanks for the bizzarely wonderful party it was nice to meet up with all my crazy mates again it's like the only time we ever meet anyway 'cause we're all greedy and lazy we only attend parties 'cause the attendees no need plan + free food. So we await the next poor kind soul who decides to throw a party and invites us pigs. Yay.
So this morning I had breakfast with Mark at mac's then Le-anne + John came to find us then we sat there and talked till it was time to send the boys off to the interchange. Last book-in! For BMT la. Then Le-anne and I went to sit at BK to talk somemore before we took the train tgt to work! Can't wait for this Saturday, can watch our boys march and do silly things so fun. I'm going to take lots of photos can somebody please be kind and lend me a GOOD camera please??? Yay then it's block leave week lalalalala my life will be complete. At least for that week! But first I have to conquer my 3-day camp this week. Which starts TOMORROW and I still haven't started packing somebody just kill me naoooooooooo I don't even want to go anyway. X_X