Start the van, get me out of this one horse town

Dec 10, 2009 16:39

The holidays always make me nostalgic, remembering holidays in years past and spending time with my friends and family. So when I signed up for bandom_calendar, I designed to take a trip down memory lane with my favorite band.

Warning: Image heavy. Also contains half-naked photos of 3/4 of the band.

My time with than all my best friends, so start the car up
We'll all take turns not for the worst, we're all ‘has-beens’ and ‘never-weres’
And we're all in the back singing ‘Roxanne,’ just watching life pass us by.'>
The earliest documentation I’ve seen of the band online is from a goggle 2001 search last year, which brought up this site. See the ninth entry, which I’ll reproduce here in case the site one day disappears:
9 Thu May 31 2001 - 18:56:35
Fullname: Patrick Archibold Was-once-in-patterson Milo Martin Twiggy Stump
Where are you from?: Glenview
Homepage Name:
Homepage URL:
Reference: Just Surfed On It!
How good do you think this site is: Well Done!!!
Comments: This is for Joe: Yo's Patrick from Patterson. I'm sorry I've not written you in a while...I've been dad got married (Yay Dad!) and I've just about started a new band featuring myself on vocals, Pete from Arma Angelus/Race Traitor/Extinction/Birthright on bass, my friend Joe on guitar (his only band was some Evolution side-project) and the drummer from Xstrength in numbersX (though I've yet to actually meet him...) anyway, it's Lifetime/Saves the Day style melodic hardcore pop-punk...once we get tight...i.e. once we actually play with our drummer...we should play a show or two together...oh, also, if you know anyone who would want to play second guitar in this here arangement...currently I'm doing that, but we'd much rather have a seperate guy to handle the chord duties...yeah...e-mail me later...
-patrick stump

Fall Out Boy broke in the summer of 2005, and most of us got into this fandom sometime after that point. Documentation of their early shows is sparse, but there are plenty of pictures starting in the summer of 2003 on. Picture quality varies given the difficulty in photographing live shows and the quality of digital cameras (or scanners), but I’ve put together over 150 pictures of different Fall Out Boy performances from 2003 and 2004, before back when most of us had no idea who they were.



Now go be inspired to write some Fall Out Boy fic set back in the early days.

picspam i have posted

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