Title - "Fear Will Keep Us All In Place"
Author -
runthegamutPairing - Bob/Ray
Rating - PG
Word Count - 3220
Summary - Ray drags a reluctant Bob to a haunted house.
Disclaimer - Not real. Never happened. Fake fake fake.
A/N's - Written for the
mcrhalloween. Title from the Bloc Party song, “Hunting For Witches.”
Bob looked up the driveway at the line of kids forming at the back of the house before ducking his head to light a cigarette, hand shielding the flame of his lighter from the October wind. “You really want to do this?” he asked as he exhaled in a huff. )
Anywho, great fic, I liked the progression and Bob's gruffness.
Also, one more down. XD
Thank you, bb. ♥
I tried to read one years ago, but the opening line "Ray didn't understand why Gerard closed his eyes when they made love" made be collasp into a giggle fit.
LOL That is awful! Poor Ray! :(
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