
Nov 10, 2004 16:41

Yay! Got an icon from Sarah (gee someone has free time :-P)! Letsee, lots going on...

Classes classes classes. I've been sick with various things for about two weeks...first an annoying cold-type-thing that left me unable to speak, and then my eye decided to go bonkers, so I had blazing headaches and a teary eye for days. That, and three exams and a lab that week. And everyone's parents (it was parent's weekend) saying "oh, you should get that checked out!" Gee thanks guys, we haven't perfected insta-heal yet, give it a few days. Anyway, it's better now and I am very happy!

However, in trying to get the right medication, health services tried to kill me. I swear, there are several bright orange stickers in my file listing allergies, and yet they still gave me something I'm allergic too...good thing I'm a paranoid label-reader, even though this is the first time in 15 years or so they've tried to give me this medication. It all worked out in the end. Lesson: thou shalt read labels!!!

Moving right along. I think the entire world is applying to grad school. Some of this is my fault for being friends primarily with an older crowd, but really!! Even Fish is off and away to the other end of the universe (not that we did't spend months without talking to each other even when I was in high school and two towns away...) Michael, mpa, Bowen, and Fish are all writing or waiting for grad school apps...and there are probably others I'm forgetting at the moment. Other people are just threatening to up and leave. Other people already have...(I miss you Julie and Adam!!!) In short, I am stressed...

**Want to insert other things here that I just realized I can't talk about yet because they aren't final**

Trying to put together a schedule for next semester...the combination of 18-396 and 18-303 and Elem Slovak II kills the other classes I want to take, but I may not be taking 303. Reason being: this is the last semester it is being offered, and in the fall it will become 18-300 and 18-402, a two semester sequence. And Hoburg will be teaching both of them! Someone asked which we should take, since we're the only class with the option to take one or the other, and he says that they're changing the curriculum for a reason. So I think I might take 300...but then I need to come up with another class. Two of my friends are trying to graduate with Masters in 4 years through the IMB program...do I really want to do that?? I want to spend four years as an undergrad...but I really could do it in 3. Easily. However, you really can't get a PhD after a course-based master's, and I don't know what I want yet. That may be a reason to do a regular two-year master's somewhere else. We shall see. Angstangstangst.

Ok, I should stop writing in my journal and do my Slovak hw so I can go to class on time.
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