
Oct 14, 2008 15:43

Okay, so in all this singing, has anybody thought to sing at Vince and Vincent?

C'mon, everybody knows this song!

♫ Happy birthday to you... [And he sings the rest of the song, culminating in, of course, "You look like a Coeurl / And you smell like one too!" Some things, you never outgrow.]

Just like that!

Private; Hackable. On the Subject of Birthdays. )

being annoying, "you look like a coeurl...", vincent (tu), singing, vincent (ou)

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crescent_falls October 14 2008, 20:00:03 UTC
Oh don't worry, I've sung happy birthday to them--

... [Laughs at his version of the song]

Just not like that.


runswitshuriken October 14 2008, 22:55:54 UTC
Aw, man! Luuuuuuuuuuuuke, everybody needs to have their birthday song sung to 'em like that!

[Conspiratory lean-in, with an added grin. For someone he thinks he's supposed to hate, he really does like making her happy.] Hey, on my birthday, don't forget the Coeurl part, okay? That's the most fun part of the song to sing! Wouldn't want you missing out on it!


crescent_falls October 14 2008, 23:03:12 UTC
If you say so~

[And there's more laughter from her.]

All right, all right. When is your birthday, so I can do just that for you?


runswitshuriken October 14 2008, 23:13:40 UTC
I do say so! And besides, a Coeurl isn't the worst thign I coulda come up with. Back in Template, we'd sing "Marlboro" instead of Coeurl if we didn't like you.

[He grins at her laughter. Somehow cheekily:]

It's in November. November twentieth! I'll be twenty... Or twenty-one. I just turned twenty before I got here, so does that make me twenty-one?


crescent_falls October 14 2008, 23:18:02 UTC
A Marlboro? That's cruel indeed. I'm glad you didn't say that about Vincent.

Mm... November. All right! I'll remember that! Hm, I think you'd be twenty-one. Lucky you.


runswitshuriken October 14 2008, 23:27:37 UTC
You ever been on the wrong end of a Bad Breath? Talk about smell! Grossness galore! Like, staaaaank to the max.

[Cheesy, ridiculous grin, but it doesn't reach his eyes.] And that's why I didn't. Besides, the blue one doesn't seem too bad.

Lucky me, huh. Two birthdays in one year. Woo! [He pumps a fist, but again, he doesn't mean it. As much as he likes Lucrecia and Kafuka and the rest, he'd rather be at home, hung over, and making sure Template is safe.]


crescent_falls October 15 2008, 00:11:21 UTC
I haven't, thankfully. I never had to be. Being cooped up in a lab has its advantages, I suppose.

[Has to smile about him differentiating between the two Vincents here as 'the blue one' and, assumedly, 'the red one'.]

The blue one? That's a clever way to tell them apart. Tell me, do you call my Vincent 'the red one'? Mm, lucky you. I'll see if I can't do what I did for Vincent for you. I can only get better in making mini cakes.


runswitshuriken October 15 2008, 00:43:59 UTC
If you say so... [ :| ]

[Grins cheekily in response to her comment about 'the red one'.] The way I see it, they're both "your" Vincent. One of em's better at it and the other's been here for longer. [Stretches, remembers the original question.] But yeah. I call the one in the cape 'the red one'.

[At her comment about mini-cakes, his eyes widen. Yuffie's adoration of sugar should be well-known by this point. It's the only thing he'll abandon the healthy traditional diet of the Wutaians for!] Seriously? That'd be... like... really, really nice!


crescent_falls October 15 2008, 00:46:47 UTC
Oh? Are they? Are you implying something terrible, Yuffie? [Sly smile] And why would-

[pause] ..the blue one be better at it? I'm not sure I understand.

[Of course, she has to laugh and smile at the look of PURE JOY that came across his face at the mention of sugar.] I'll try my best then!


runswitshuriken October 15 2008, 01:21:49 UTC
Me? I never imply terrible things! [Laughs.] I just say 'em straight out!

I think the blue one's the better person. [Quietly. Unusually seriously, for Yuffie.] Just because you were on the wrong side doesn't make you bad. I mean, every side thinks it's the right side. So being on the right side doesn't make you good. [His look turns distant, as if he's thinking of another place, another time.]

[At her laughter.] Yaknow, somehow I'm sure that you won't even have to try all that hard for 'em to be great.


crescent_falls October 15 2008, 01:39:38 UTC
I don't know, I think you might be, in that case!

Hm. The better person? I'm not so sure. But that's just me. I'm glad you don't think I'm a bad person. That gives me some comfort. You're right though, about being on the right side. Sometimes, you have to do what's best for the situation, even if it isn't something you necessarily want to do.

[Smiles some, trying to cheer him up a bit.]

Well, thank you for the vote of confidence. Will chocolate cake with chocolate frosting be ok?


runswitshuriken October 15 2008, 02:16:17 UTC
Aw, c'mon Lucrecia, they are both in love with you! And let's not get into what I think of people. I'm not the best judge, anyway, right?

[Chocolate? Chocolate is the one sugary thing Wutai never learned to mimic, and back home, he never really allowed himself candybars or the like. Gotta maintain a very specific weight to keep his speed and balance. The kid's eyes are big as dinner plates, now.]

R-real chocolate?


crescent_falls October 15 2008, 02:30:25 UTC
I suppose so, yes. Mm, I can love them both. In different ways, I mean. Hm, well, you have the right idea, though. And, you have your own opinion of people. It's not a bad thing, even if peopple disagree with you. That's what makes you, you.

[However, his eyes being much like flying saucers is amusing her. He's cute and it's making her smile.]

Mhm. Real chocolate. If you'd like, that is. I can always try to make something else.


runswitshuriken October 15 2008, 03:28:03 UTC
Well, I wasn't saying you should love 'em both the same way. Just sayin', they both belong to you, even if you're not with both of 'em.

[Puts his hands on her shoulders and stares into her eyes.]

Lucrecia, I don't think you're a bad person. I think you made a mistake, and it kind of exploded and messed things up for other people, but you are a good person, and I see why Vincent is all creepy and obsessive about you.

[At the mention of real chocolate:]

Uh, uh, no, no! Real chocolate's all I need!


crescent_falls October 15 2008, 03:36:32 UTC
Of course not. Hm. Perhaps?

[Blinks and looks at him as he puts his hands on her shoulders.]

Mm. Well, thank you. I don't think some see it that way. But I'm glad you do. That's a good thing.

Hm. I think extra chocolate for you, then. You don't have to share it with anyone. ♥


filtered; runswitshuriken October 15 2008, 03:52:53 UTC
Can you imagine Big Blue with anybody else? 'Cos I sure can't.

[He drops his hands from her shoulders, but his face and eyes and voice are all strangely intense.]

Then don't listen to 'em. I know what it's like for people to think you're bad, and as long as you're clear in your own heart, don't you dare worry about what anyone else thinks.

[And then he smiles.]

See? How can you be bad at all when you do sweet things like that?


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