Now I am a believer in home-schooling... not because I think public schools fail the students, but because I think parents fail the children, and now it's dangerous for teachers to do their jobs.
Third graders... planning to assault a teacher... because she scolded one of them for standing on his chair...
I am without words for this.
After Arkansas, you couldn't wear camo to school, after Columbine you couldn't wear a trench coat...
After teaching Bible School to 2nd graders and being wrestled (all in their idea of fun not mine)by 9-10 of them at once on the play ground, I swore to never do it again, in fear that I would again be attacked by 10, 8 year olds to whom I couldn't discipline...and that is a problem...Teachers have a hard time giving discipline to children...children can no longer be spanked but teachers who lose their temper with kids and verbally screw up discipline, ruin it for other teachers who might carry out discipline effectively. There is a backlash from parents on teachers, but parents are also failing their kids at home and do not teach their kids right from wrong. School systems too are failing kids, I had some horrible teachers, my brother had a teacher who thought she was Marilyn Monroe and tried to get them to salute Hitler at the beginning of each class.....I had an insane Vietnam Vet who was also a perverted for a teacher, several alcoholic teachers, and again several teachers that slept with students. Somewhere the system failed when those were the teachers that stuck around while the good ones left for other schools.
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