So tired am I of hearing people be judgmental toward those who have made mistakes, it is refreshing to know that a church is taking steps to make those who have feel more welcome.
Lets see, what ever happened to Hate the sin not the sinner? THere is a church in town that said "No Perfect People Allowed" and while I made fun of it by saying 'they just banned Jesus from the church' it really does reflect that a lot of churches only accept "perfect" people and since no one is perfect you have a bunch of fakes and people pretending they are and don't accept people that genuinly need Christ's love and forgiveness oh and friends. My old church moved from a bad part of town to escape the poor people they should have been helping. They are also not supporting the two churches that moved into the complexes they moved out of, my new church is supporting those churches and its not as big or as wealthy. I don't think churches are always right when it comes to a lot of things, i really have an issue with establishments and authority anyway, but especially when it comes to divorice, sometimes there is just no other way and no one should judge another person or damn them for getting a divorce, friends, family and churches should be a support system to get these people on their feet and not kick them when they are down. If we supported people and loved them and showed by example then the world would be a better place.
I don't think churches are always right when it comes to a lot of things, i really have an issue with establishments and authority anyway, but especially when it comes to divorice, sometimes there is just no other way and no one should judge another person or damn them for getting a divorce, friends, family and churches should be a support system to get these people on their feet and not kick them when they are down. If we supported people and loved them and showed by example then the world would be a better place.
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