Feirce Flawless

Jul 07, 2004 14:02

"cuz there was light and then there was darkness, but ther was no line in between; and asking my heart for guidance was like pleeding with a machine;yea, cuz joy has its own justice and my dreams were languid and lawless,and everything bows to beuaty when it is feirce and when it is flawless."

ha im finaly listening to music other than tha fucking fish tank.

hmm he conciders me a real person.
its hard for me to do that sometimes.gotta bring up tha picture to conect myself.
bring me back to reality.



oh, sigh sigh sigh.

my soul is begining to ache.
ache for more for someone for...more.
more than what i have.
more than what im feeling
more than what im receiving.
just more.
more life.
more words.
wore faces.
fucking more damnit!

and its frustrating me.
my hygein is going to shit. =/
i dont feel like showering.
i feel like im getting depressed.

i need a shower.

i feel like crying. like emtieing my soul of it weight onto someone els.
have them sift thru it.
who is selfless enough to do that for me?
im to chicken shti to find out.
im tired of sex and sexuality. i wish to erase it. to erase emotion and caring and feeling and all tha other shit hormones come with.
just erase tha hormones.

"its meloncholy that i cary make me feel so grown up"

jesus fuckin crist.
jesus h christ.
what tha fuckin hell have u brought us this time?

thats wut.
pure unadulterated shit.
damn you.

im pissed but not really.
im angry at the world for doing this to me.
but most of all for doing this to themselves.

i should go take it out on wuts his nuts.

*angry sigh*

i can feel it rising in me
this angry sigh to the world
its coming
and nothing is going to stop it

i want pitty.
but i dont want them to show it.
just show it.

im so confused
dazed by my self realization
hoping for my wants
hoping for my fucing fears.
wut tha fuck have i done?
what have i created
what have i released tot he world?
y do i put this on me
its more load for this mule named Kelley
my middle name is Yvonne.(Yuv-on)
Kelley Yvonne fucking Merrill.
daughter of Rochard Oren Merril
used taunted and abused my Patricia Ann Merrill maiden name Hungerford.
fuckin Patty bitch.
Hello Mother
Hello Father
this is your son
or this is you daughter.
where have i heard that?

i want to ramble.


i wrote a poem to all the teenagers of the world...mostly to me but i find it fitting.
i find it slightly corny with all tha talk about butterflys.but like mandi sed "butterflys are so much better than birds"

Fly high pretty butterfly,
and dont fall down,
Keep your wings open,
and never touch the ground.

Fly high pretty butterfly,
to the land across the sea,
No promises made,
but the one youll see there is me.

Fly high pretty butterfly,
and kiss the flames goodbye,
The dragons cologe is all burnt out,
Look me in tha eye.

Fly high pretty butterfly,
your taking this journy alone,
No worries my friend,
youll make it home.

that last line always does something to me.
touches my heart.
comforts me.
tells me its all going to be ok.

its all going to me ok.
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