
Oct 20, 2010 02:07

Name: kosy
Livejournal Username: fhroe
Timezone: EST
Current Characters in Route: remilution (Remi Altava), usedrawr (Teddie)

Name: Yui
Series: Angel Beats!
Timeline: POST Ep-9
Canon Resource Links:
Angel Beats! overview
Yui-specific page

Affiliation: Trainer and she's going to be the very best

Personality: Originally introduced as the groupie of resident high-school band "girl's dead monster", Yui's enthusiastic nature is obvious from the get-go. Blabbing on and on about the quality of GirlDeMo and practising wrestling moves on unsuspecting victims are just two of her favourite hobbies, and, with this hyperactive nature, you can bet she's got more than just that to talk about!

Well, boys beware! Despite her innocent looking appearance, Yui's actually pretty spunky. Provoke her and you've got a pink-burning ball of fire on your hands--not to mention she's not beyond screaming or kicking you in the face, even if she was all cute smiles beforehand. However, this impulsive nature isn't solely in her reactions. When it comes down to it, she's the type of person to act. Stemmed from her experiences in the past, she's always willing to do the things she wants and works for what she wants with all she can.

Though she's usually happy and cheerful, Yui can sometimes turn rude and insulting without warning, and on more than one occasion she resorts to talking trash ("You bastard! Scum! Come here!")--though this is usually provoked and in humorous context. She's honest and straightforward at heart, and won't hesitate with saying what's on her mind, even if it's demeaning to herself.

Combined honesty and enthusiasm give Yui an eccentric flavor. She's an interesting person, for sure, but a sense of loyalty, friendliness, and overall positivity make her a good friend as well. She goes a long way for people that earn her loyalty or admiration; this is seen mainly in her complete devotion to GirlDeMo, her persistence in helping the band when it is needed, and her contributions to the SSS group as a whole.

Yui's always trying her best. She likes standing on her own two feet and being a person others can depend on. She likes to do things on her own, mainly because she couldn't in the past, but she ultimately has an understanding of her own limitations.

+ Determined. Yui's the holder of a very strong fighting spirit. She's a hard-worker, and she takes on most tasks with great enthusiasm.
+ Understanding. Yui's pretty aware of what she can't or cannot do. Of course, this doesn't mean she won't work towards overcoming her own limitations.
+ Canon states that Yui is "not a very good fighter", however, she's seen being capable of some pretty good wrestling moves. However, this is only used in comedic situations.
+ Pretty good singer!
+ Enthusiastic. Not much gets Yui down; she's a constant ball of energy.

= She tends to take on a lot of things, due to being unable to do them before. She has a lot of interests. A LOT.

- Not a very good fighter. She's never on the front lines in missions because she'd only be in the way, and she understands this.
- Yui doesn't really like being a burden. Not being able to do things does get her down sometimes, especially when, in the process, it becomes more than just her shortcomings and affects an entire group.
- She, like the rest of the cast, has regrets that keep her to the "purgatory" world in Angel Beats! She has a lot of things she wanted to do but never had the chance to.

Starter: Ponyta; named "German Suplex"

Password: Salmon riceballs.

(Please note that both samples must take place in Route_29’s setting.)

First Person Sample:

[your feed: meet angry pink-haired girl. who is currently talking in a very threatening manner to a blank faced NPC.]

Oi oi oi oi! Give me a word with the bastard responsible for trapping me here---! I'll hurt 'em! Make 'em weep! I know you hear me! You can't ignore the calls of distress from an innocent maiden--!

[but she stops when the person she's talking to doesn't say anything. after walking away, she suddenly looks chipper. she doesn't seem to notice that she's being recorded.]

--Bright side! I got a horse out of it and that's not too bad. It's like an extended band tour... just without a band! No problem, no problem, I'll fix that in a jiffy. When I find my guitar, I'll play a little song and the rest of the band will follow! That's the power of GirlDeMo.

... Except I don't have my guitar with me. Aaand, hey, this doesn't look like anywhere I know. I'm completely lost, aren't I?! Well! I'll try my best! Even in the middle of nowhere, I won't wet myself. I'll solve this, no problem!

Third Person Sample:

Waking up somewhere in a strange place was the first shock, but it was easy enough to handle and she had adapted rather quickly. After all, being lost was just another one of those obstacles, and Yui had to admit that an adventure wasn't that bad of an idea. With enough walking and questioning, finding an exit didn't have to be that hard, right? Ignoring the fact that the place she ended up in looked absolutely unfamiliar. Nothing a bit of exploration couldn't solve!

"Right, and then..." she held the map from her bag, turning it over in her hands with uncertainty. She was there, right? No. She looked like she was there-- "Uh. . ." Turned the map again. Again. "AUUGH! This map isn't good at all!"

Pause. She looked over to her newfound 'partner'--a horse she obtained from a red-and-white ball. Yui somehow felt like she had seen something like this on television before, but she doubted that anything she learned there would help her in her journey to get out.

"Got any suggestions?" A little whinny and a 'ta...' was the horse's only response, though Yui wasn't too shocked by that. Still, it was a bit of a disappointment. "Yep. Expected that. Beyond being on fire, you don't do much else, huh?"

She continued to walk aimlessly. To passerby, the image was strange--a pink-haired girl and her horse, travelling in a rather large circle. Of course, she wasn't aware of her repetitive travel plan. Instead, she shrugged it off to the unclear situation of both the map and the world. "Camping is harder than I thought," circle-pace. circle-pace. "What will Yui-nyan do when it gets dark?! Ohhh, where are my Senpai when I need them?!"

Calming breath. Calming breath. Yui decided: she'd do this on her own. With her elaborate plan and careful charm, there was no way she wouldn't be able to.

Operation start.

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