(no subject)

Feb 07, 2007 02:06

I feel like updating more often these days, but I never have anything interesting to talk about. Owell, I'll just rant on as per usual.

Hmmm last night I went and bought the hair dye I'm officially using on thursday so hopefully it turns out good. I have this fear that my hair'll turn orange, but since that only happens to brunettes who suck at dye-jobs it's not a big threat for me. At the most I could just become more obnoxiously blonde than I intended and blind people wherever I go. Owell, if that happens at least I won't have to get a boob job to win the barbie-look-alike contest cuz hey....I've got that covered.

I also bought myself candy hearts b/c I know I'm not getting them from anyone else this year. YAY self-love (and not in the dirty way kthxbye). I decided to spend my dinning dollars on non-edible things so I'm not always tempted to buy food so yesterday I got like giant tubs of herbal essences and OLD SPICE DEODORANT!!!!!!!!!!! Ok so first of all I just think guy deodorant works better, even if guys themselves don't use it enough, but old spice is like one of my fav smells ever......idk this probs falls under the category of "reasons I probably should've been born a man" but whatever I love it. BUT I'm gonna pretend I'm still a girl on Saturday and go buy makeup at Sephora to silence all the questions anyway so it levels out.

In recent news, aka I just thought of this while typing and eating my candy hearts, I think they should make an entire bag of facebook related ones, cuz those would totally sell.
My suggestions: Tag me, Friend me, I heart newsfeed, let's poke, etc etc. The possibilities are endless.

A-Dawg OUT!
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