(no subject)

Nov 27, 2011 17:52

I'd apologize for the extreme lateness of finally finishing this Cowtown entry run, but let's face it, we've gone waaaaay beyond apologies.  I've still got PrincessCon Southwest! to chronicle after this, not to mention the insanity of the adventures in job hunting and new jobness...oh, well.  We'll get there when we get there.  Also, a side note, I may end the livejournal public entries here and switch over to Blogspot, and just make this my private entry journal...we'll see about that too.  So much to think about!

Anyway, back to the point, Sunday of Cowtown dawned really really rainy.  I mean, it was icky and gross most of the weekend, but Sunday it just decided to let loose and rain on us.  My energy was starting to hit the wall, and I didn't really plan to take classes unless I was really motivated, but I did head into the Lodge to be around for whatever might be needed.  I talked with Merinda and she said she might need me to drive Christian and Jenny around (which would not be a chore at all), so I hung out and watched the classes in progress.  And then Merinda called me over and said she needed me to pick up the corn.  The corn for the corn eating contest, aka a gross crime of humanity.  I probably stared at her blankly for a second, then she gave me all the specifics I needed, handed me the check, and I headed out into the damp to buy a whole lot of corn.

It really was not at all a challenge.  The nice farmstand people knew we'd be coming, and definitely had the corn available.  So soon I had nineteen dozen ears of rather wet corn in the trunk of my car.  It all managed to fit, since I don't have a whole lot of stuff in my trunk, but I will say that not much else was going in the trunk with all that corn.  Just as a note, VW Jettas can hold a lot of corn in their trunk.  I was feeling kind of drenched and cold, so I stopped at Starbucks for hot chocolate on the way back to the lodge.  After communicating to the major players that the corn had arrived, I got to drive my car onto the sidewalk to unload it, park again, finish my hot chocolate, and then spent a little time shucking corn while Andrew played some epic 90s club music.  So worth it.

After that, I sat and watched Andrew and Karen teach Charleston, they had a lot of people for that class.  Then I think I volunteered to help Josie hand out corn to the competitors of the corn eating contest, and that is how I know I was exhausted at that point, because last year's experience with corn eating would've probably led me to stay far away from crazy people intent on eating that much corn.  But whatever.  It wasn't bad at all.  Turns out when you're too busy handing out corn and wondering what Andrew, Karen, and Mia are up to, you can miss Ben eating his corn at all.  Crisis averted.

Once the corn champion was crowned, we tidied up the ballroom, and I went with Eric and Christian and Jenny to drop the instructors off and find food with Eric.  I meant to go home and change and look pretty for the last dance, but my efforts seemed moot at that point, dancing in jeans sounded okay to me.  It was still a good time, with Grand Marquis.  I really like them, they are a great swing band, not to mention they like us too.

At the end, I helped clean up, made doubly sure that no one needed anything else before I went home, and let Christy load me up with flowers before I left.  It was a good weekend, I had a good time and learned lots of neat new stuff that will come in handy.  Can't wait till next year!  Seriously, it may be more epic than ever.  I hope we get shirts this time.

Up next, a disastrous three days at work, followed by the uniting of four nations in New Mexico...stay tuned.  There will either be more entries, or a link to the new blog, which incidentally has the same title as this one.  Woo.

dance, food, busy, friends, chocolate, fun, music, cleaning, silliness, flowers, swing, corn, driving

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