Apr 15, 2009 19:34
Woo, is it Friday yet? I am ready for some weekend sleep. Bleck. This week is so not on.
So, at work yesterday, they decided to drop the new plan on us. I knew something was up when all the managers came back from their meeting and started passing stuff out to the contractors. I was last because I work back in the East Jesus cubicle, but when I had my turn, I discovered whoever is in charge of our operations planning has completely lost their mind. The plan is that instead of working accounts, same company with all their inclusive patterns, now we are all going to work the same type of pattern for a bunch of different fleets. WHAT?!?! Who decided that was a good idea? I can handle it because I work a bunch of different accounts anyway, and I always pick up extra work when I can, but as Jason put it last night when we were chatting, now everyone is going to have to know the quirks of every fleet. That's a lot of crap to share and remember. I still haven't tracked down everyone who landed Formosa patterns to warn them of its insanity, and to not ask my manager because he knows approximately nothing about it. I did talk to Superman guy about the placement patterns, mainly because I just wanted the excuse to talk to him. *grin* He's nice. Also quite married, but he is nice. Anyway, my point is, this new operating method is supposed to make us more efficient. That so far is not the case.
When I worked my patterns this morning, from 6 to 9, it was basically work, Work, FINISH EVERYTHING RIGHT THIS VERY SECOND!!!! And then I hit 9:30 and had four patterns left to do, and by 10:30 I was completely finished. And then I went to ask for more work, but they couldn't really give me any because nobody knows who's doing what anymore and it all has gone pearshaped, my son. I was bored this afternoon, and a little spaztic when I saw my old Formosa patterns still on not finished list. It was all I could do to not just run them. I can't believe I worked that account for over a year, and now I have one pattern from it. It's frying my brain a little. I think my obsessive-compulsive nature has hit me at work. Also, I'm concerned that in a couple of weeks or so, they're going to decided this doesn't work because while I ran out of stuff to do quickly, there were people who were lucky to get through half their list by the end of the day, and we'll go back to the old way, and everything will be a serious mess, and I will cry bitterly.
I must admit, though, that Friday's going to be interesting when Brian comes back to this insanity.
Um, let's see, survived my doctor's appointment. Turns out, my body is healing itself. Small prescription, but other than that, no big deal. Phew. I was seriously worried that this thing was going to involve a painful procedure, followed by painful recovery, and then a painful bit of scarring. Yeesh. Oh, and last night I got home late from my bookclub meeting and I was really worn out. I hadn't had my usual caffeine dose, the waitress took for bloody ever to bring the check, and I was stressed about the new system and the doctor and such, and when I'm really tired my temper gets really short. So my brother was just chatting with me about Samurais vs. Vikings, and I was listening while checking my email and I suddenly got really pissed at gmail and started yelling at my computer for a second. Jack kind of paused and said, "Okay, I'm going to go now." I told him I was just really tired and lost my temper a second, but he was bolting for the door. It cracks me up that my Wrath can cause my six-foot-three, 200 pound little brother who could easily kick my butt, to run for the safety and seclusion of the basement.
I think I'll go check some baseball scores. And somebody please bring on the rainstorm I've been wishing for.
book club