(no subject)

Mar 29, 2009 18:18

Well, Summit Meeting G236 has come and gone, and boy did you all miss out!  Seriously, you guys should sign up for these things because tumbling0after and I always have a fabulous time.  What did we discover at this meet that shall eventually bring salvation to the world?  Read on!

-cucumber dip is the food of the gods.
-"melts my flesh" is a phrase never to be used.  Ever.
-I make a truly hilarious face when I eat pickled ginger.  Unfortunately no one will ever see it again because it was godawful.  But it was funny when tumbling0after encouraged me to try it, and then told me she didn't care for it the split second before it hit my tongue.  Yuck.
-timelines rule.
-fight sequences rule.
-our novel is awesome, and you shall want copies.  All of you.
-our novel is so awesome that I've cut the first twenty pages of my half.  Eh, it's worth it.  God, I love editing.
-work sucks.
-pie is a dangerous thing.
-I am in possession of an air mattress named Voldemort.
-were-lampreys.  Just think of it.  Are you not totally grossed out by the prospect?!  Part human, part lamprey, egad, that would be horrible.

So, yes, our wisdom keeps on trucking.  I've got so much work to do on this novel, but dammit it's going to be cool.  We rule.

food, g236, tumbling0after, voldemort, summit meetings, tea, pie, novel, work, stroy

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