Jan 30, 2010 19:04
Figured it's been a while since I posted anything. Well, I'm alive, but only barely. I'm feeling a bit ill, and the cold weather isn't helping. Usually I'd go for a walk and get some exercise and fresh air, but the cold weather and snow are keeping me in bed the entire day. All in all, I'm pretty miserable. Had a paper that I should've finished worked on today, but I haven't even started it. I've just been lazing around, listening to music, and playing chess and the occasional game of cards on my iPod. I finally organized my iTunes library, though.
Also, LJ is being a bitch by refusing to let me post this. (Edit: and then it does a double post! WTF, LJ. WTF.) I've clicked the "post" button three or four times now. Apparently, I whine so much on this thing that even LJ is tired of it. I should probably post a happy post once in a while. I'll get on it. Maybe Monday if we don't have school.
life as usual