Title: Break My Heart or Save Me
Author: AngelicFruitcake
Pairing: Cookson (David Cook/Kelly Clarkson)
Summary: And I don't know/I could crash and burn but maybe/At the end of the road I might catch a glimpse of me.
Rating: R for language
Disclaimer: Though this fic is about real people who really exist, nothing in this fic is true. As far as I know, David and Kelly have never met, but if they did meet and fall in love and make beautiful singing babies, I for one, would not complain.
Author Notes: I'm not totally sure how I feel about this fic. This fic...ended up a lot darker than I thought it would be when I set out to write it. LOL This was supposed to be a fluffly holiday Cookson, but then got kind of mixed in with the Mavidson triangle fic I was going to write, and it got all dark and angsty. Okay, so here's the deal. This is slightly AU where Kelly is concerned. I don't know, I just came up with this version of Kelly based on her song "Sober". I went to her official page, and she seems very nice and quite normal, so this is definitely not true, and is going to take place in a verse I am going to call the "Sober" verse, which is where the Mavidson Triangle fic will take place as well, if I ever get around to writing it, and probably any other Cookson fics I write. This fic is also heavily inspired by Pink's
"Sober" which I listened to on repeat while writing this. This is dedicated to
oflights and is her VERY late (almost a month late) birthday present. Happy belated birthday bb! I hope you enjoy this. Probably not what you were expecting when you requested Cookson. lol.
Break My Heart or Save Me