Runo Knows...Earth: 2089

Jul 29, 2006 12:27

Is this what passes for production values these days?

Earth: 2089 is a sourcebook for the Armageddon: 2089 d20 campaign.  I managed to snag the last copy in-stock on, and for a discount, so I was happy.  I was happier when I started reading it that I got the discount, because I would've been annoyed if I hadn't.

First off - there's a weird kind of gray background on every page, which makes it hard to read.  It's like a kid's maze problem on every page!

You've got randomly changing text sizes.

You've got at least one example of a picture overlapping at least part of a line of text.

Just...poorly laid out.  Hard to read.

Content-wise, it basically just expands off of what's in the main rulebook.  More than a few parts of it are already out-of-date, or at least, pushing the game into "alternate history" for what's happened in 2005 and 2006 (such as the overthrow of the Islamic government of Iran in 2005).  There are no new WarMeks in it, though inexplicably (to me) they give the stats for various heads of state.  Stats, perhaps, for the average soldier or WarMek officer you're going ot run into would've been much more useful.  There's expansion on some of the corporations from the main rulebook, too, plus some "prestige classes" setting up specific academies your pilot may have gone to.

Is it worth the cover price?  Barely, more perhaps if you're running a more espionage-oriented Armageddon: 2089 game.  It gives some ideas for adventures for a more "regular" game, but all in all the poor layout and editing of the book really, really hurt it.

d20, roleplaying games, military sci-fi, runo knows, mongoose publishing, science fiction, hard sci-fi

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