May 14, 2008 11:15
The Runo Knows have been light on the ground. That's what I get for re-reading two 40K omnibuses. I'm working on a third one now that's new (the Dawn of War one) and it's better than I expected.
Matt and Cathy went out bowling on Monday night. There's a BowlAmerica right near by, near 4 P's, and it has $11 all you can bowl from 9 to midnight Sunday through Thursday. They had so much fun, in fact, on Monday night that Tuesday they went out and bought their own bowling balls.
I went with them last night despite a bit of reluctance due to my wrist. My wrist, in fact, help up quite well.
At one point I told them that if I managed to beat both of them, I'd buy my own bowling ball. In the last game, as we squeezed it in just before midnight, I won, rolling a 138 versus whatever the heck they got.
That's also a personal best, not that I've done it that much or anything.
The balls that they got were about $70, including custom drilling. There was a Steelers bowling ball that you can get at almost twice the price, but you have to order it, and I'm not certain whether or not that's something I actually want to do, drunken jests not withstanding.
Beer and bowling. Add in cigars and it would've been perfect.