My editor had an interesting
article about the Stargate Worlds MMORPG coming out.
I'm not a SG fan; however, I am a sci-fi fan. They have some "interesting" concepts in there - I put quotation marks around that word in an attempt to be, you know, ironic.
Mixing race and class to basically create fantasy archetypes? Sure...let's not do anything original or anything.
Basically making it so that you level to the max, maybe PvP some, then re-roll? Uh...guess you don't need upper level content when the avowed goal is for you to re-roll.
The denial part comes from the reaction she's gotten so far; the European side has been very engaged with it, and the US side has, well, ignored it - as has Cheyenne Mountain, the developers, who won't even respond to her anymore.
Oh, and check out the technologies involved - they're not even supposedly compatible!
She thinks that this (an apparent, looming disaster of design for a sci-fi MMO) will be disastrous for the MMORPG industry. I hesitate to disagree with her, as she knows much more about the industry than I do (so, yes,
taintmonger, I'm looking at you for your viewpoint) but I still don't understand where this, specifically, would be the failure that does it - then again, as I said, I'm not a StarGate fan, and if it hadn't been for her, I'd never have heard of this MMORPG to begin with.