Abners in Iraq.

Jun 21, 2004 15:25

Abner Emailed me yesterday...He's in Iraq now....for  7 months..:::cries a river::: I hope he doesn't do anything stupid... I love that guy.... I remember that party at my house a long long time ago. That was so fun...And the time when Me Abner and Jon had to Chase Mary All the way down Main street because we were all drunk. THat was so fuun.. And That one time we all ditched school and went to my house and ate burritos, and me abner and Mary Hung out at the park near jons house one time becuase We were 'supposed" to hang out with Jon but he left with Jessica somewhere so we were just chillin at the park for a little bit and then we hung out in Jons back yard...Lol..that was extremely fun, And that other time me abner and mary went to trash city and then out to dinner that was fun too.oh shit and that one time me abner mary jon and jessica went to the park and got drunk and some homeless guy started talking to us and jessica started crying becuase of all the stories he was telling us. shit that was also fun. all the times I've had with my big brother have been fun. He's tought me so much and He's opened my mind to all sorts of things. I'm not going to see him until january of Febuary of 2005....What am I going to do until then?

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