Jun 08, 2005 22:28
ok, so first... i know i said pics were coming... but now they're not... deal... lol, cause i have to deal with my damn crappy internet... thus why they aren't getting posted... at least not for now... ANYWAYS
so at the start of summer break i went to the doctor for my whole cold thingy... and got weighed and all that... i was 168... and i know i actually gained 2 to 170 before nacurh... i lost that 2 at nacurh... and in 1 weeks worth of working... i've lost another 4... which actually i'm sure i've lost more because i'm noticing more muscle (finally) and all my pants and shorts are damn near slidding off me... i only mention this because i'm slightly self-conscious about my body and just think it's crazy, borederline scary too because i really can't afford to lose much more... i just want some nice abs, once i have those, i will be happy... so yea... that's my lame attempt of an update... so yea, bye!
p.s. current fav song to play... "Looking Back on Today" -by The Ataris