Rawr! Finals week is here! Watch out for the monstrous tests!
Just kidding, I'm not that much of a freak. Well, it's been quite some time since I posted... anything. I still don't know what to write. After all that time to think of something...
Oh yeah! Let's see... I can start with things I've gotten for Christmas and such. For instance, there's that Roboraptor up there! It's cool and it doesn't die like my poor hamster. Rest in peace, Rufus. And we got Netflix! Yay! But I'm still waiting for Kung Fu Hustle to get here... one business day... false advertising. I rented Mean Girls with it too. Lindsey Lohan, along with Hillary Duff, is like, the best actress ever! And my brothers and I got around $200... in Best Buy gift cards. And since we go there so often... Oh and we also got the Star Wars Trilogy. And Lord of the Rings Trivial Pursuit! Yay! That's cool.
But unfortunately... my heart.. has a gaping hole in it. Yes it's true... my mom took the Xbox and Gamecube away. I... haven't... been able... to... Oh and I can beat everybody in Smash Bros. Melee. And the other one too.
Well, I hope my English final gets a good grade. If she gives it any lower than a B..................... then she's a meanie head. I probably shouldn't write anything violent, because I don't want to get arrested by overzealous... people. I need job. I need a driver's license. I need a haircut. Does anyone else think Mr. Ropes is a jerk? I do.
I think this is enough to say.