The Penskie Legacy 1.1

Oct 29, 2012 21:29

Every Monday (Sunday depending on where you live) is when I'll post this legacy, because it's easy for me to not have to post every single day/two days and what not and I can play whenever and I can get homework done, so if it's good for me it's good for you!

LAST TIME ON THE PENSKIE LEGACY: We met the wonderful Hypatia Penskie, who fell in love and got pregnant, there were promotions and I left you all on a cliffhanger because I'm a horrible person!


Last time, I left off Hypatia giving birth in the appropriate room with the appropriate clothes + shoes.

Plato was born, living with the traits Hates the Outdoors (which is ironic considering his parents both love the outdoors), and Genius.

Birthday time, only because I hate the lava stage.

Where was Samuel during the birthing+birthday? Here.

Samuel was being a good dad and taught Plato how to walk.

Whilst on the job, Hypatia had to get some llama's out of here.

She ended up getting a promotion.

Plato is a qte <3

It was Hypatia's first fire! Turns out, there was no one to save.

She does look cool in action though.

Samuel: Pattie, I was wondering about changing jobs, we need money - we need money for Plato!
Hypatia: Why don't we sell a few things? We don't need the TV!
Samuel: I'm thinking of, I'm thinking of going into the criminal workplace.

Hypatia: Just sleep on it okay, and tell me what you decide.
Samuel: We need money now.
Hypatia: Plato's asleep, just come back to it tomorrow.
Samuel: I guess so, I love you.
Hypatia: I love you too.

Samuel: I'm tired and I hate this dish washer!

It was probably Samuel's food.

Samuel: Here you go Plato.
Plato: Foooood


Hypatia is pregnant with a food baby.

Plato: Daddy~ your my favourite but shhh, don't tell mummy~
Samuel: I promise Plato.

Plato: If this show is about death, I like it.

u 2.

Plato: When is she gonna finish eating that watermelon? It's been there for three days already!

Later that evening.

Samuel: I can't wait till I have my next child!

Samuel: I heard something, are you okay?
Hypatia: I'M IN LABOR!

Baby boy, again.

Welcome, Aetius born with the traits Brave and Excitable. He's turning into his mother everyday.

Plato: No Aetius, that's not how you get it's head off!

u qte~

Samuel: Look, I have to quit my job things have... come up and I'm not ready for this. I want to be a... stay at home dad.

Later that evening, it was Plato's birthday.

Wat a stud.

I decided to move them to a new place, and to be honest I'm proud of this house because I'm shit at making houses! I also moved them to Twinbrook because I thought that the problems were arising because of the town. *~*SPOILER ALERT*~* it wasn't.

2: Living room.
3: Kitchen/Dining room.
4: Hallway to the children rooms/Hypatia & Sammy's room.
5: Laundry room, though half way through this update there won't be laundry stuff in there, saving monies.
6: Bathroom.
7: Toddler/play room.
8: Hypatia & Sammy's room.
9: Plato (at the time)'s room.

Samuel: Pattie what are you doing?
Hypatia: Scaring Plato.
Samuel: Oh, okay.

Hypatia: I WAS LYING!
Samuel: O GOD!

These two <3


Plato: O GOD!

Samuel: I'd rather use a telescope then work out.

But he had no choice.

Hypatia: Plato, you can do whatever you want. I believe in you!
Plato: Thanks mum...

The only places he hangs out is the lounge room and here, and the dining room and his bedroom, but really just here.

Now it's Aetius' turn learn to walk.

Hypatia and her childish traits results in this, it always results in this.

Plato: Why can't that be me?

Plato: Dad you smell.
Samuel: Sorry Plato, I'm dealing with your brother right now.

Hypatia decided to eat Plato's muffin.

I guess she really hated it.

Going to point out, I love this bed. Don't know why I shot this, but I love this bed!

Plato only watches this channel, I think he likes Law & Order.

Another food baby.

Plato met Molly Saldivar, she lived near the school. (This used to be the Reid's old house in Twinbook)

Plato: Do you have answer 5?
Molly: You can do it, your the genius!
Plato: Yes, but you give me an answer I give you an answer!
Molly: Fine, I suppose.

During the day at the Fire department when Hypatia didn't have a fire to put out (which was rarely) she'd upgrade the fire alarms, maintain them as well as the fire engine. Only ever conversing with the many others there when she needed to.

Plato: Where have I gone?
Aetius: I don't know, where has Plato gone?

Samuel: I love you Pattie, your the best thing that could ever happen to me, your so smart!
Hypatia: Sammy boy, your an amazing person!

Hours later

Myia was born, finally! She has graced everyone in how she is very Friendly and how Perceptive she is.

ALISTAIR!~ If you remember this beautiful soul, I will love you, a lot.

Molly: Just a warning, I've moved house.
Plato: We'll still have fun right!
Molly: I hope so, well it's very foggy there.
Plato: It can't be foggy!

Plato: Shut up.
Molly: Exactly. What's 5?
Plato: 188
Molly: I hate odd numbers.
Plato: Same here Molly moo.

Plato: Mum, is this what you do?
Hypatia: Yep. Can you pass me the screwdriver?
Plato: I think I'll go home and uhm... hang out with dad.
Hypatia: Suit yourself, get Alistair to grab the screwdriver.

It took so long for Aetius to age up, because my game would keep crashing and ugh worst, worst. Anyways, Aetius lives his life as Friendly as he can be.

I started to download Pets, Generations, Showtime and Supernatural because I'm impatient and didn't want to spend $140, or at least $50 dollars on the expansion packs ($50 for Supernatural because I'd be borrowing the others off of my friend, and the $140 if I was buying them all) I uninstalled Late Night and I might uninstall World Adventures because well I don't really send them to other places so. I installed Pets, Generations and Showtime and they kept crashing but then I downloaded Supernatural and it's all fine now, except the whole play for half an hour and then crash thing, I really should get it looked at, if anyone could help that'd be lovely, though I might ask my step dad.

ANYWAYS! I moved The Penskies to Moonlight Falls because I want to check this shit out yo~ I also moved The Fletchers (including a bundle of joy, and a runaway child) and my sim self because I wanna know who I'm mackin' it on with.

Aetius: This'll be my bed because I'm stronger.
Plato: I'm older.
Aetius: Hey, you've lived in this room longer then I have, I get this bed.
Aetius: Not this time big brother.

Samuel: I've decided to join the criminal career.
Hypatia: Don't tell the kids, we've had to save a lot to come here. We've moved three times in the past year, I don't think they have a right to know just yet.
Samuel: When, one year? Two? When will I tell them that our house is built on a foundation of theft?!
Hypatia: When the time is right.
Samuel: All right, well I'm just going to walk away and play with Myia.
Hypatia: Love you



1.1 is done, I had hoped I would finish this early and be able to do my homework, but it's like 9:10 pm now, so... OH QUESTION! Should I make this legacy have like stories, and continues story line like I've done in previous failed legacies, or should I just keep it as a legacy, I know a sims 3 legacy in some ways is a story, but you get what I mean right?

P.S: Follow my SIMBLUR because you love me :3 + I've put Hypatia up for download here @ my simblr.

Samuel Murphy/Penskie created by aheadytale
Molly Saldivar created by tessinsanity

legacy, penskie, sims 3

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