Excuse me Mr. Hyde would u happen 2 have somthing 2 drink around here perhaps? thanks, *gulp..Bwhaha

May 14, 2004 01:20


1) Full name: taryn allison lilona boyle
2) Age: 14
3) Birth date: september 25,1989
4) Heritage: irish,czech,french etc. etc.
5) Grade: 8th and I HATE IT MORE!!
6) Astrological sign: libra
7) Chinese zodiac: im a snake IM A BITER! HEHE! WHAT CAN I SAY? lol
8) Birthstone: sapphire...dundundun.
9) Eye sight: eyesight?? well i have green eyes...but they change to gray/grey alot and i dont need glasses! ^.^
10) Nickname: well i have Gib that was given to me from curtis and now Brianca (Anca for short!) from Scott. lol i donno how or why i got them, i just did! and i l00ve them lol.

1) Food: mashed potatoes!!!
2) Drink: orange juice
3) Shoe brand: converse or vans
4) Clothing label: delias!!!!
5) Color: PPPIIIINK! *sings*
6) Animal: bunnies!
7) Movie: hmm....either potc or identity or American Pie cus those are veryyy funny. lol
8) Band/singer/music group: hmmm....i love like soooo many but i really like greenday,the distillers,yellowcard,new found glory ahh!! i like so much! eeep!
9) Song: uh..i guess "all downhill from here" for right now, but my mind changes like every day. lol
10) Poem: hmm...i donno...i like alot of curtis's poems and some of my old ones...but i really like this one called Sonnet XLIII (sorry for the funky stuff)by elizabeth browning. lol
12) Car: either a yellow corvette or a purple volkswagon beetle....or...the bat mobile. who wouldnt want the bat mobile!?!?!
13) Holiday: i like thanksgiving! MMM! POTATOES! *smooshes head into bowl of mashed potatoes* hehe.
14) Time of the day: im an owl. hoooooo
15) Month: September cus its my birfday!
16) Season: springggg
17) Place to be: hm...prolly leahs house cus no matter what we do we always seem to have so much fun. lol
*remembers time when carolyn was waving to the ducks and i was inside with leah and i snorted when i laughed and i fell over and the chair fell on me and we look up and carolyn is still waving to the ducks in the lake* hahahha! good times.
18) Thing to do: eat,read,write,doodle,dance like an idiot,sing stupidly,wear a cape,find funny shirts to buy,get funky jewelry,fly on skateboards with trash bags on very windy days,play with leahs bunny,computer!
19) Book: i looove the mediator series or Violet Eyes and Silver Eyes or Sloppy Firsts lol i loooove to read so its hard. haha
20) Sport: i like soccer and swimming and i love lacrosse but i didnt get to sign up otherwise i'd be doing it lol*cries*
21) Teacher: Miller. alot of people hate her but i love the old crazy bastard lol
22) Subject: engrish!!!!!
23) TV show: family guy,a bunch from adult swim,i love the 80's and of course old old shows from tv land! lol
24) Piece of furniture in your house: my couch in the computer room cus its big and comfy and old and squishy and its pink and when you sit in it you like sink into it and you can fit like three people in it. lol *cuddles chair* ow! dont you bitch slap me! grrrr...
25) Appliance: hmm....the cabinets cus when you spin them they just keep going and going and going and its so fun to watch but you have to be careful when you stop them cus if you arent your hand gets caught between the cabinet and the cabinet holder lol.
26) Quote: "NATIONALISM,DROUGHT AND PEOPLE DIED!!" lol history class study guide..kelcey hagen hahaha.
1) Best friend(s): leah,cass,teresa(treesa haha),amanda o,amanda d,jenny r,laurin,nikki,jessie,milly,gypsy,anna y,bryant,tom,michael o,johnny,dylan,carolyn,curtis,jenny,dutchy,scott etc. etc. and my new friend and soul mate jordann!! yay!
2) Who have you known longest?: leah=1st grade lol we were little girl scouts! haha! i was the one who turned that shy booboo into a raining,hyper terror. lol well at least i helped haha.
3) Smartest friend: teresa..omggg shes like sooooo smart its incrediblesadmf!
4) Nicest: hm..well all my friends are so nice. its hard to decide lol
5) Funniest: either bryant,scott,jordan,cassidy or leah...they crack me up so much. or nikki! she just says such random funny things when its like totally unexpected and shes so serious when she does it too
(during dinner at her house...mom:eating....
nikki:eati-stops eating and looks up"I wish that pickles had wings so that they could fly all the cubans to brazil and have them dumped in milk streams." doesnt laugh or smile and goes back to eating...) hahahaha
6) Sweetest: hmm...well jessie is sweet but she's a lil too honest at times..i think Anna Y because she's like such a little sweet angel and is always saying cute stuff!
7) Most popular: hmm..well either leah or amanda o or cassidy lol
8) Shyest: Teresa lol
9) Dumbest: hmm.....besides me..cassidy! hahahha.
10) Artistic: either Milly,Curtis,Dutchy or Gypsy with her drawings of trees in the world of sheet metal. lol
11) Do you have a boyfriend?/girlfriend?: yes'm
12) Do you have a crush?: umm...oh yes. im in love with jordan. im going to date rape her. mwhahaha
13) Are you popular?: *cracks up*..*serious face* um. no. lol
14) Your personality: well, im outgoing(most of the time),crazy,hyper,silly,immature(immatureness is awsome),weird,freak-like,retro(so im told by cassidy) lol,unique(my mothers desc of me),funny(which im told by some of my friends ^.^) and just plain funky. and i like it! lol
15) Do you get good grades?: i do now but back in the beginning of the year and the middle and 5,6,7th grade=NOOOOOOO!!! lol
16) Have you ever been suspended?: uh uh.
17) Expelled?: nosiree
18) Ever had a detention?: about 3?
19) For What? (applies to the previous 3 questions): talking and being late to class
20) Do you ride a bus home?: si!
21) Dumbest thing you ever did:uh...i guess it was when i was in 5th grade and i was walking sideways talking to leah in the line next to mine(our classes were seperated into two lines since we were dif. classes) and i just kept walking sideways and talking and suddenly i turned forward and ran smack into a light pole. lol and leah will never let me live it down hahahaha
22) Ever pulled the fire alarm?: nope
23) What’s the weirdest thing that ever happened at school?: hmm...when it everyone was doing the whole MOB and other gang things and people were fighting everywhere! i swear science was like armageddon or whatever! lol
24) Who’s your worst enemy?: hm...used to be Erica Haft but now I think its um..no one right now actually haha...unless you count Craig. lol but hes not my worst enemy, just a VERY annoying boy.
25) Ever cheated on a test?: yup. hehehe.


1) Are you happy?: yes'm!
2) Are you sad?: not particularly no...and i dont want to be:)
3) Are you lonely?: a lil bit...awwwwww WHO WANTS TO COME OVER! lol
4) Do you miss someone?: si
5) Was today a good day?: yes!! very! i got to meet up with jordan and see band geeks! *excitment* lol
6) How are you today?: tired and comfy and cheery and i still have this weird feeling stuck in like the back of my throat..all mucusy and icky and yet i dont feel sick lol.
7) What are you wearing?: light blue pants with snowflakes on them and my HI MOM shirt still lol. and of course a cowboy hat lol.
8) What’s in your CD player?: in my stereo its Trapt, Eric Clapton and a burnt cd from megan and in my cd player is a cd that bryant burnt me lol. I WANT A STICK SANTA! hahahaha.
9) What’s the last song you heard?: um..well im listening to the radio so theres all these songs i dont know that come on. lol the last one i can remember the name to was Memory and they played that like a half an hr ago haha.
10) What radio station do you listen to?: the buzzzzzzzz
11) What kind of car do you have?: i don't have one but when i get my permit i get to drive my moms acura with her...blegh!!!!
12) Hugs or kisses?: i like both! ^^
13) Yes or no?: OH BABYEE! ;p lolol good one jordan hahaha. i like the word YES! yes pleaseeeee. lol
14) Black or white?: hmm...well i like white cus its so like innocent and angelic but i like black cus its so neutral and can just flow with any color and make it look totally fabulouso plus it when wearing it, it makes a person feel all powerful! (at least for me lollollol im weird i kno :/ lol) :D
15) Is the glass half empty or half full?: half full cus then its always full of nummy stuff, cus i always choose the right thing to drink because i said so. shut up! stop it! ahh!!!! your so mean!! waaaaa! :)
16) Night or day?: night! hooooo hooooo
17) Bush or Gore?: um...well. um...neither lol. i think oprah should be president lmao
18) Do you love someone enough to die for them?: yulp
19) Do you believe in God?: yes indeedy i do!
20) Do you believe in love?: mmhmm
21) Love at first sight?: i think so. yes. most people think love at first site is just looks and the apppearance but you see i think love at first sight is like when you look into their eyes and you seem to feel something inside you. *romantic hahaaha*
22) Santa?: HE'S MY MAN WHORE! thats why i love xmas so much ;p lolol
23) The tooth fairy?: she gives me money. i love her.
24) The Easter bunny?: bunny!bunny!bunny!bunny!bunny! ^^
25) Wildest thing you have ever heard: the song wayne gretsky hahhhaha.
26) Do you sleep with the light on?: i sleep with a night light i got in hawaii :) lol
27) Water or fire?: water cus it doesnt hurt as bad when you touch it lolol. unless of course its like freezing, then its no fun.
28) Love or lust?: l00ve. lol
29) Punch or kick?: well punching isnt my strongest ability and my shoes are good kicking shoes so i'd say kicking! (but no violence people! violence is not the answer! hehe)
31) Phone or in person?: person cus on the phone you cant see the persons reactions and expressions to things you discuss.
32) What kind of music?: rockity rock rock
33) Inside jokes?: hmmm...there's alot so im too lazy to type them lol.
34) Hobbies: writing,dancing,being an idiot,computer,reading,talking,do stuff with fun people,wishing it was september lol.
35) Last movie you saw: i saws POTC in math today! lol oh and Pearl Harbor in history...hmmmm
36) Last person you talked to: last person i talked to was Curtis on IM and thats bout it lol
37) Last thought to enter your mind: mmmm...i have to pee....murrmrrrmr


1) Eye color: green sometimes gray/grey lol
2) Hair color: blonde!
3) Height: the doctors say im 5'4" and a half hahaha.
4) Weight: 109! yay. i lost weight! <
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