May 11, 2004 23:08
Well today wasnt have a bad a day, leah was having neck problems(she couldnt move it and i found that funny) and so that was pretty entertaining, she didnt seem to mind that we teased her mercilessly.
a)dropped her backpack on the side of her desk and she kept swaying her hand just right above it not being able to get it because she couldnt bend her neck to reach.
b)sticking markers under her seat and in her sweatshirt and she couldnt get them without standing up and having them fall everywhere.
c)laughing because she was eating lunch really funny and her shoulders were lopsided.
hehehe. oh the fun at someone else's dismay. -.-
so then nothing else really happened, i was thinking about some really good poems to write on while riding the bus but then realized i'd probably never write them. *cries*
1)about how i loved nothingness
2) i cant remember.
also i realized that i enjoy watching others lives pass on while listening to music. its entertaining. on the bus chris was sleeping and the song was slow and depressing, then a bunch of kids were laughing and chasing each other and the song was loud,fast and heavily drumming.
also in chorus i was so bored. i want to quit but then it would be pointless because we only have 2 more practices and then we sing for church and summer comes.
oh! i talk to my father today, its funny. i love to be very cheery and happy while talking to him and telling him all these things ive been doing and meanwhile he's trying to make me feel guilty by being quiet and deep voiced and sad-sounding...doesnt he know that his emotions he gives out dont effect me? that i have no sorrow and regret for the bastard he is? heh.
i love my shirts. :)
god. blink182 is really starting to annoy me. its so...emo.
i freed a squirrel from the dumpster today..then i fed the poor thing popcorn.
its gonna die from the kernels...oops. lol
i was really fascinated by some old scars on my arms and legs today. scratchs, rollerblade incidents,surf board scratches and bruises,past fight incidents,other things that i wish not to share....
have a day! ^.^