Rules, F.A.Q. & Affiliates

Aug 26, 2009 00:08

- Do not Hotlink anything.
-> Hotlinking is when you right click > Copy Image Location and Immediately use that link for wherever you are intending to display the picture at.
-> right click > save image is the way to go. After doing that, upload it on to hosting websites ( ,, etc.)
- Credit is necessary, its to allow people to track back torunningrockets if they like something they saw.
- Comment when you grab something, it makes me happy!
- Do not steal or redistribute my codes (for both Profile Layouts and Layouts)
-> Simply editing the colours and redistributing as your own is stealing.
-> Also, please do not use my layout codes as base codes.
-> You can get the original Flexible Square base codes here. Credits to
irinafan .

Many people have been asking me various questions so I've decided to create this post. This would also serve as a post for questions of any sort, be it icon or css related. In future, there will be a link at the end of each post to direct you here should you have any questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Layout issues

1. How do I add a header image to the layout?
Usually, if a layout is suitable for a header image you will be able to find these included in the codes:
.headerimage {
/* for formatting header image */
width: XXXpx;
height: XXXpx;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
margin-right: auto;
margin-left: auto;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;
-moz-border-radius: 10px;}
Insert the appropriate url, height and width (both height and width depends on the size of your header) in the green areas.
If you would like your header image to span across the layout, look under "Extra Notes" in the respective layout and you will find the recommended width for your header image.
The red part will only be seen in layouts that have rounded edges, remove them to not have a rounded header image.

2. I can't see my sidebar.
Go to 3. Choose a Page Setup and make sure you have selected 2 Column (sidebar on left) or 2 Column (sidebar on right).

3. There are funny colours and weird things that looks different from the live preview when I used your codes.
Check that at Custom CSS you have all the drop-down menus set to 'no'.

4. Some things are not aligning properly like what I see in the preview.
Make sure that you have read through all the instructions and extra notes in the layout posts for special instructions that may be causing this problem.
You are using browsers like IE (Internet Explorer) or Google Chrome. I make my layouts in Firefox and test them in other browsers as well. Also, at the beginning of the entry will always be a list of compatible browsers, check that before using the layout. The best solution? Use Firefox.

General Questions

1. How do I credit you?
For Layouts/banners/headers/mood themes just add runningrockets as credit into your profile/sidebar/friends-only entry/resource etc.
For Profile Layouts, a link would have been added in the profile layout.
For Icons:

2. Can I edit the codes for your layouts/profile layouts?
Yup, edit anything you want.

3. I like this layout but I would like a sidebar/topbar version.
You can try asking for this but I will only do it if I intended to initially or am in a good mood. :) Otherwise, please only ask for different versions for a certain layout in the occasional requests post.

4. Can I use the background/tinyicons from your layouts and use it elsewhere?
Sure you can. Remember to credit the makers for the background and tinyicons if I have included them in the codes.

5. Can I use your icons at forums/fansites/game sites etc.?
You certainly can but please upload it to your own hosting site and credit appropriately.

6. You've used my texture/brush/screencap and have not credited me in your resources post.
Most likely the reason would be I haven't found the time to update my resource post yet, but please leave a comment either here or at the resources post as I might have forgotten.

7. I tried editing the layout and its screwed now and I have no idea what is wrong, can you help me fix it?
Sorry but no. Unless you know exactly where you went wrong, I won't help you with that. You can always check out s2flexisquares for help.
However, if you know where you went wrong and would like to know the correct codes to achieve something specific, feel free to comment here using the form provided. :)

Have problems that have not been addressed?
Comment with this form (for layout problems):
layout name:
journal with layout problem:
problem:(provide a screencap too if possible)
I will reply as soon as I can.

Misc Questions

1. I like your graphics and would like to friend you, is that okay?
I love new friends! So yes of course, but please leave a comment in my friends-only post before adding me and I would really appreciate it if you include some of our common interests in the comment. Its alright if we have none though, its always nice to know people who are entirely different from yourself. :) I am only adding personal journals not graphics/icons journal.

2. What do you usually do when you are on LJ?
If I am not here, I will be at movie_tv_stills and tv20in20 where I mod or jjverse (Team Lost!)

3. Will this journal ever go members-only>
Most likely no, but its hard to say. As long as no hotliking goes on, this journal will always be public!

movie_tv_stills hpotter_stills tv20in20 lost20in20 icon_swapmeet
noyoucantdothat sperme magicfly_icons spare_room bloodstnedtears silkroutes paintedsaucer

Want to be affiliates? Leave a comment.

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