Mar 26, 2008 14:33
The Shamrocks and Shenanigans 5K results were just posted! I was 18th out of 62 in Females ages 20-24.
18 585 Renee Woods YPSILANTI 22 1 25:31 8:13
Looks like my average mile was 8:13. I can definately improve, but I was happy with it for my first race of the season!
Katie B. and I are running the Martian Half-Marathon on April 6th, and I can't WAIT until I roadtrip it to Philly with Becca and stay with Gida and Jordan and run the 10-mile Broadstreet Run on May 4th! I hope to book a few between those as well.
I'm also training Beckerz to run her first 5k! This is SO exciting! I've always wanted to train someone, and Becca is working at accopmlishing a goal (we're both goal-oriented gals), so it will be wonderful! She starts training Sunday, and I have a 5k picked out for her on May 31st (I had her choose between two). We'll have to see how the training goes before she actually registers. I'm excited!