A couple of loosely related um, vignettes I guess.

Apr 15, 2009 06:31

  Title: Dichtomy
Pairings : Nite Owl II / Rorschach, Silk Spectre II/ Nite owl
Time period : 1985
Warnings : None, really. Excessive use of sentence fragments.
Summary : Short looks into Rorschach's relationships with Daniel and Laurel.

He was not a small wounded animal. He did not seek nor need redemption. He was redemption. Was justice. Black and white was very beautiful. Simple; clean. Like his fist hitting the face of a criminal.
 Whores solicit him. Seem to want to touch him; do not want Walter; want imagined money of greasy, dirty, prophet of doom. He does not want Walter; he is Rorschach. He is not weak. He is moral absolution.

This is what he tells himself when he breaks into the house of his only friend:
he is feral. Will not love, submit to touch from being fed, given shelter. Nite Owl II has much to answer for, for abandoning pact. For abandoning HIM.

Rorschach has never given up on Nite Owl. He waits. Walter waits as well. Waits for the day when he can sleep on Daniel's couch without dreaming. Without finding his face shoved into a pillow that smells of his friend and his hands sticky and shoved down into his own pants upon waking. First, stopped sleeping with pillows. Then stopped sleeping on couch. He only slept in the tunnel downstairs now. Walter was grateful he was no longer a teenager, no longer in his twenties; dreams had become infrequent. It was exceedingly rare that he ever woke up aching, yearning for something he couldn't, wouldn't, put a name to.

Increased level of violence lately had them both worried about their old partner. Mask-killer even more so. Lately, Laurel has been around. The looks she gives Rorschach are hateful. The looks he gives her are indifferent. She is domesticated; needy. Animal who played at being feral, but was never without home, without warmth. Without the loving strokes of an owner, or a readily accesible feeling of belonging.

How simple it is to be woman, he thinks. Look pretty, clean, and everyone wants to take you home. Is prized pet ever sad? Go from one cage to another, one man to another. How appropriate that she ends up in the owl's nest, where she can play at spreading wings.

He could not blame her for being born with advantages. What he dreamt about was immoral; taint on his soul. Was better this way, even if  whole world went to hell. He was already there.


Title: Dichtomy II
Pairings : Nite Owl II / Rorschach, Silk Spectre II/ Nite owl
Time period : 1985
Warnings : None, really. Excessive use of sentence fragments.
Summary : Daniel berates Rorschach after unexpected encounter.

She was soft and weak. Woman.
When backed into corner, viciousness and claws. Someday, Rorschach hoped, Daniel would see. See what women become. See how dishonest. See whore-goddess, harpy, vagina-mouth-monster slowly choking life, colour, virtue, decency, all that was good out of Nite Owl. Rorschach hoped, but knew Daniel would probably never see. Dan would never back Laurel into a corner. Not the same way he cornered Rorshach one night.

"What the hell is wrong with you? That was totally unnecessary!"

"Justice always necessary"

"The punishment didn't equal the crime, Rorschach."

"Scum gets what scum deserves. All scum."

"Rorschach... all he did was look at me funny."

"No. Thoughts, filthy thoughts. Clearly seen in eyes. Eyes not worthy of seeing anymore." The key words were left out of Rorschach's low even monotone. You, Daniel. Not worthy of seeing you. You can clearly see filthy thoughts in -my- eyes. Thank God you can't see eyes. Can't see weak, pitiful Walter. Not worthy of you seeing his eyes. Degrading.

Daniel inhaled a sharp, painful breath, "Damn your eyes."

They had long walked away from the man in gaudy leathers, with one pierced ear, who had -leered- at Dan. Dan had called an ambulance while the poor bastard writhed on the ground, his eyes viciously pierced by Rorschach's gloved fingers.

To Dan, the spreading pool of blood from the man's face looked like butterfly wings.... He'd clearly been staring at Rorschach's mask too often lately. But as with so many years ago, the mask remained inscrutable, no matter how the shapes on it whirled. He swore his ex-partner had never been quite this bad.
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